Chapter 1 - He will never know I love him

Start from the beginning


The minute we arrived at Walmart, Ashton dashed out of the car and skipped up to the entrance. He was always so enthusiastic, and I was jealous, if anything. "Come on, Lukey!"

I stood back and watched for a second, laughing, but then I decided to join him soon after in order to avoid looking like an idiot. A few security guards were giving us strange looks, but who are they to judge?

We walked down the aisles to look for things that were nice to eat, and the first thing Ashton pointed out was a box of Fruit Loops. "We need to get these, oh, and we need some pudding which should be down the aisle."

I chuckled but stopped upon realizing that there was nothing funny about what he just said. I picked up the last small box of pudding mix and put it in the grocery cart. Ashton never liked vanilla for some reason. Well, I know he thinks the color is too bland and such, but it actually tastes amazing in my opinion.

"Did you get the pudding?" Ashton asked, holding a box of fruit loops in front of his face.

"Yes. Now let's go get some actual food."

After filling up our cart, we walked up to the lane with a sign that said '8.' I placed our groceries on the conveyor belt and waited for the girl working there to ring them up. "Hi, how are the two of you today?"

"Great," Ashton answered, holding my mother's credit card in his hand, ready to swipe it.

"Your total is $43 and twenty nine cents."

She wrote something down on the receipt with a blue pen and handed it to Ashton with fluttering eyelashes. "Please come again!"

I grabbed hold of the grocery cart and started walking, but stopped when I noticed that he was blushing. He never did that around me. "What made you turn red?" I'd ask, hoping that he would say I did, but then he said that girl,, and it suddenly became really hard to breathe. My chest felt tight, and I could tell the world that I was suffocating but it wouldn't be true. It was much worse than that.

"She gave me her number."

I was walking with my head down the entire time, trying to avoid what he said but it was still on my mind. "You're not going to text her, are you?" I'd ask, biting down on the brim of my lip while playing with my piercing.


"You don't even know her! You can't just text someone you don't know Ashton!"

He looked confused, and I glanced down when seeing that everybody in the store was looking at me. I felt like an idiot because now, now everyone knows that I'm vulnerable.

I sat down in the driver's seat and waited for him to buckle his seat belt as he sat in the passenger seat.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing," I answered, and the car stayed silent for the rest of the way home.


"We're home," I stated as we pulled into the driveway. Ashton practically lives at my house since he is here all the time.

"Okay," He awkwardly replied, getting out of the car. He walked up to the front door and stood there patiently as I grabbed the groceries. Normally, he would help but he's upset with me. I get it, I'm upset with myself.

He grabbed a few bags off of my arm and I smiled at him as a way of saying thank you. I took the key out of my mouth and opened the door. Ashton immediately ran in and set them on the counter, sighing. "I'm sorry I snapped at you," I said to him honestly, feeling bad for my sudden outburst at the store.

"It's okay, I just don't know why you did it," he retorted. I ran my fingers through my hair and bit down on my lip once again, replying, "it just sort of happened, Ashton."

He nodded and walked over to the cabinets, taking out a silver bowl used for mixing batters together. "Pudding please," he said, holding his hand out. I placed it on his hand and watched him do a strange bird dance as he made the dessert.

"Its ready," he said, handing me a spoon. We always share the bowl and use two spoons. I wouldn't care if we shared one, but if he's uncomfortable with it, then I don't mind using two.

We sat down at the table and dug into the chocolate goodness. "So good," I said, licking the chocolate off of my lips.

Ashton randomly started giggling and I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion. "What?"

"You have something on your face."

I reached for a napkin but smiled when he put chocolate on my nose. "You dork," I mumbled, wiping it and licking it off of my finger.

He chuckled once again and soon enough looked oddly sad. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Are you angry about that girl giving me her number? Cause' if you are then I promise I won't text her."

"No go ahead," I said, smiling, "I'm not mad at all." He smiled back and replied, "are you sure?"

"Positive." I licked the remains off of my spoon and stood up from the table. "Have fun finishing the bowl and texting her," I winked.

He blushed and I walked off with a smirk on my face, but frowned once I was upstairs and he could no longer see me.

I'm just a liar and he doesn't see through it. He never will and he will never know that I love him. But I guess that's okay. It has to be.

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