Chapter 16 - Where's Michael?

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jenny is Khalil's sister and Khalil is Jenny's brother? How could that possibly be? I looked from Khalil to Jenny over and over again until they decided to stop being awkwardly quiet.

"Small world," I commented, trying to break the silence which clearly didn't work since they were still glaring at eachother as though one was about to murder the other. It scared me a bit but I didn't budge on it, so I just waited until Khalil cleared his throat. "Ashton, can I talk to you for a second?"

I nodded my head then crossed my arms while focusing all of my attention on him. He sighed, then shook his head. "No I mean in private."

"Oh," I mumbled, biting down on my lip, "right sorry." He started walking in the direction of the bathroom, so I gave Jenny a quick glance then followed him to the men's room. Once I opened the door and cringed at the smell, he began running his fingers  through his hair.

"You're dating my sister?"

"Not yet," I retorted, moving away so that I couldn't feel his breath against my skin. "Why did you need to talk to me in private anyways? It's not like Jenny is going to freak out or whatever." He chuckled while shaking his head, "I know that idiot. It's just that, well, don't take this offensive but I don't want you to go out with her."

"Oh." That was all I could reoky. I wasn't sure why. It kind of felt like he was stabbing me in the back and like pushing me away from her but he doesn't even know how I feel about Jenny. She's perfect in so many ways, I wish that I could prove that to her. I've been wanting to ask her out for ages but I wasn't sure when the time was right. Now, Khalil is saying he doesn't want me dating her? Where is that logic?

"I'm sorry Ashton, it's just that I don't trust you enough to be with her."

I furrowed an eyebrow and huffed out an annoyed noise. "I thought we were friends. Friends are supposed to look out for eachother, not say things like that."



He sighed while placing his hands in his face. "You're a great guy, in fact, you're one of the nicest people I've ever met in my lifetime. I don't have a problem with you dating any girl, just not my sister. Do you want to know why?"


"Because I think you're gay and I don't want you breaking my sister's heart if she gets too attached but finds out you were never interested in the first place."


I ended up leaving the frozen yogurt place after a while. Khalil told me that he thinks I'm gay. I'm not gay, not even close. I've never liked a guy in my life so why would he assume that? I sighed and continued to walk to wherever I was going, but my heart stopped when I almost got hit by a car. Thankfully, I didn't but still, it almost happened.

I decided to go back to Luke's place, so that we could talk about that kiss. If it wasn't obvious, I knew that Luke was still mad at me for it, but why? It was only a kiss and it didn't have any meaning what so ever. I think that he just got his panties in a bunch because he didn't want his first kiss to be with a guy, specifically me. But it's about time that he got it over with, I mean the kid is eighteen. He doesn't need to live his life, never kissing anybody, so he should be thankful that I at least helped him with that favor.

Eventually, after all of my annoying thoughts that stopped me from getting anywhere, I arrived at Luke's. Thankfully, the lights in the house were on which meant that he was here and not out getting high. I know that he only did it once but still, that isn't the point at all. I'm afraid that he's going to do it again, and again, until he can't anymore. That he's going to do it until his lungs give out. I don't want anything happening to him, because he is my best friend afterall.

I walked in the door and saw Luke sitting on the couch, criss crossed apple sauce, with his guitar on his lap. I giggled slightly, which caused him to look up, but he looked down in seconds. It was almost as though he didn't recognize me and didn't care enough that I was here. I get that he's mad but does he really have to be this way?

"I brought you some frozen yogurt back, if you care enough to eat it," I stated, putting the cup with a lid on it next to him, then I walked away. He obviously wasn't going to speak to me so why should I even bother? I walked into my room then plopped myself onto my bed and began to get on my phone. There was nothing to do, Luke wasn't speaking to me at all. I would contact some of my old friends or something but I feel that would be a bit too weird since it's been years since we've spoken.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring and I recognized the number as Calum. I quickly answered, and I could immediately hear him panicking on the other end.

"Calum, is everything okay?"

"N-no, I'm freaking out," he said into the phone with loud heavy breaths, "I don't know what t-to do, I can't stop."

"What happened?"

"Michael, h-he hasn't answered my calls for the past two days. At first, I thought it was because he was sick but now I'm getting scared. We spend every day and night together and he suddenly just disappeared. H-he's gone, Ashton. I can't stop freaking out."

"I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and jumped off of my bed, sliding my iPhone into my back pocket, then I headed downstairs to meet up with Luke.

"You're coming with me."

"Oh goodie. Where to now? To meet up with the bitch Jenny?"

"She's not a bitch, Luke," I retorted, "But no, it's Calum. We have to go."

"That's even worse, no thanks," Luke replied, shoving his earbuds back into his ears.

I rolled my eyes because I wasn't tolerating this, so I gripped a hold of his arm and pulled him up, then told him to come on. He just nodded sadly and walked out the door without saying a word, and sat in the back seat of the car which was so unlike him. We would both always sit up in the front and listen to tunes, now he doesn't even want to do anything, besides look out the car window and sit in his own misery.

We arrived at Calum's place soon after, and as I went to ring the doorbell, I heard Calum shout that it was open, so both Luke and I walked in and saw Calum pacing back and fourth in a quick motion. He was biting down on his already bitten fingernails, and not looking down at anything but the ground or his hands. I walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders, telling him to calm down. He shook his head and I could see that he was on the verge of tears.

"N-No, my baby is gone."

I didn't question him on the nickname, so I just bit down on my lip and rubbed small circles into his back after pulling him into a hug. I could hear him sniffling on top of my shoulder, so I let him. "There, there."

I could hear Luke sighing in the background. "When was the last time that you saw him?" Luke questioned, which surprised me because I haven't heard that much out of him for two days.

"I-I don't remember. He told me that he was going to visit someone and that he'd be back in a few hours. He never came back."

"Did he justify who that someone was?" Luke asked, cocking an eyebrow but he couldn't see since he was still hugging onto me tightly. "No," he replied, sniffling.

"I think I know where he is," I stated, causing Calum to let go and make Luke look at me for the first time in two days.

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