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"I didn't know people got married on Thursdays," Sophie says as we climb back into the car after my brother's ceremony.

"Yep. People can get married on Mondays, too, if they want,"

"But everyone hates Mondays,"

"So true," I smile as she settles in in the back of the car, pushing a wisp of hair away from her eyes. She looks warm, but happy, and I can't help but be thankful she's here with me today and was able to be a part of her uncle's wedding.

"Do I still look pretty, Daddy? I'm really sweaty!"

"You are so pretty. The prettiest," I smile. "Always,"

I catch her smile in the rearview mirror.

She did the most amazing job, and she's got to be the world's cutest flower girl. Brooklyn and Sophie went with Autumn this morning to get their hair done at a salon with Layla and the rest of the wedding party. She flew in late last night and stayed at a hotel, despite my best efforts to get her to stay at home with us.

Everything has been a blur.

Thankfully, my brother doesn't give a shit about tradition, and I got to walk down the aisle with Brooklyn instead of my sister. Don't get me wrong, I look up to Layla more than a big brother probably looks up to any little sister, but this time with Brooklyn is precious and limited.

With Brooklyn on my arm, everything felt a little better.

I lower my visor to look in the mirror and loosen my tie. The ceremony was beautiful, but I'm glad it's over. It was hot as hell in that gazebo, and the two hour photo session afterward was a killer. The look on Jack's face was worth it, though; he's got a good one in Autumn, and I know she'll help keep his head on straight when it comes to balancing work and their home life.

Now we're waiting for Brooklyn, who agreed to tag along with us for the twenty minute ride to the reception hall.

Finally, I see her. She smiles and waves at Sophie in the backseat and I pop the passenger door open from inside so she can climb in.

"Oh my God, this air conditioning feels so good," she says, turning the vents toward her. "It's so humid,"

I hand her a bottle of water and she downs half the bottle in a few seconds as we start to drive away.

"Wow, Mommy," Sophie giggles. "You're a fast drinker!"

Brooklyn smiles and reaches back to squeeze Sophie's hand.

"Ready for some amazing food, drinks and quality time with my family?" I ask, smiling at her when we reach a red light.

This moment reminds me of the first time she met them. She could barely breathe when we got out of the car. I smile at the memory of her trying to memorize my siblings names as we prepared to pretend we were a couple. So much has changed.

"Yes! I'm starved. About midway through the ceremony I had to grab onto Layla's arm. I thought I was going to pass out from this heat,"

"I'd have caught you," I say easily.

"You had no idea," she smirks. "You were really in the zone. But it's good to know. If we're ever in another wedding together, I'll try to remember to fall in your direction,"

"Noted," I smile, glancing up at my rearview to see Sophie asleep in her car seat. Guess it's been a long, hot day for all of us.

"I'm glad you're having a good time," I say softly. "Happiness looks good on you," I test.

"Thank you. It looks good on you, too, Harry," she says, meeting my eyes briefly at another red light. I smile.

She's been in a really good mood since she got home. It's been a nice surprise; I left Massachusetts on really good terms a few weeks ago, but was worried the time in between may have dimmed her attitude.

To Brooklyn, With Love (Completed) - Finding You Book 2Where stories live. Discover now