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I shouldn't be here. The deal was, Sophie gets to stay with Brooklyn for four days, then I fly out to get her Wednesday morning. It's Monday and I'm outside her door, seconds away from knocking and disrupting what was meant to be their special time together.

I'd planned to avoid seeing her at all. I was going to have Layla bring Sophie to the airport, but my sister is good at convincing me of when I'm being a baby, so I did it myself.

I thought it would be awful. I thought seeing Brooklyn would hurt, and that my anger would get the better of me. Instead of bitter, she was happy, and the hour we spent together before she and got right back on a plane with Sophie was confusing.

I kissed my little girl goodbye, and when Brook looked back at me over her shoulder and offered a little wave, it reminded that I'm not nearly over her. Not even a little. It's been two month since my breakdown at the Phillies game, and I've done some hard thinking since.

That's why I'm here. That, and Sophie called me last night and told me how much fun she's having and that Brooklyn's friend Tyler is really funny. "Mommy is smiling a lot. I like it," she said, and it went right to my gut.

Am I jealous? Is that why I'm here? I just know I can't get my head on straight until I do this.

I take a deep breath. The last time I was at the home, we found out Sophie was sick. So much has changed since. Life has been kicking my ass since Lindsey died, and I guess maybe I'm tired of just accepting things as they fall. I need a say in my future; maybe that's what got me here in the first place.

"Can I help you?" a voice says from behind me and I turn. He's tall, with black hair, and a rag covered in grease is slung over his shoulder.

This must be him.

"I'm here to see my daughter," I say and he squints, like he might not believe me.

"Harrison Reid," he says. So he must not just be a mechanic.

I don't like his tone; it leads me to believe he knows every awful detail about what went down. "I thought you weren't coming for a few more days,"

"I didn't know you were in charge of my daughter's calendar," I say quickly.

"I'm Ty," he says, his eyes narrowed.

"Nice," I shrug. "Now where is she?"

"They're inside," he says, pushing the front door open. I'm not a fan of how comfortable he seems.

I walk inside without a word, and navigate the rooms until I find them in the kitchen, eating cereal.

"Daddy?!" Sophie squeals jumping off the chair and running to me. I lift her up and smile at the milk on her upper lip.

"Harry," Brooklyn says with a frown. "What are you doing here? We still have 2 days,"

"Can I talk to Mom for a minute alone?" I ask Sophie and she nods. I set her down and she runs into the living room.

"What's going on Harrison?" she whispers. I expect her to be angry that I'm here, but all I'm seeing right now is confusion.

"Jack's getting married," I blurt out quickly. Anything to keep me from having to admit why I'm really here.

"What?" She smiles briefly. "To Autumn, I hope,"

"Of course," I smile.

"You came all the way here to tell me your brother is getting married? You couldn't have called?"

"Yeah. Because it's soon. Really soon," I raise my eyebrows.

"How soon?"

"Next month," I tell her. "Autumn wanted to tell you herself but I let her know it would be better if I told you,"

To Brooklyn, With Love (Completed) - Finding You Book 2Where stories live. Discover now