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"Sweetheart. You're gorgeous," my mother says to Brooklyn as I pull out her chair. "Harrison. She's gorgeous," she repeats, looking up at me. That's Mom being Mom.

"Completely," I say with a smile as I sit beside Brooklyn. Her cheeks turn an adorable pink, and I rest my hand between her shoulder blades as her eyes come up to meet mine. They're big and happy and I almost forget I haven't introduced her to everyone yet.

"Brook, this is my mother, Anna. My father, Christopher. My little brother, Jack and his girlfriend, Autumn. And you already know Layla," I say with a smile.

My family can be intimidating, and I told her as much on the ride in as she looked through photos on my phone. They can also be insane. There's really no telling which version we're going to get tonight. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her to put up with the ridiculousness of my family so early in the game, but a part of me is thrilled to show her off.

This girl is fun.

"And this," I smile. "Is Brooklyn Black," I pause. "My girlfriend,"

"Girlfriend! Get the fuck out of here!" Jack laughs and Autumn slaps his arm.

"Jack. Your mouth," Mom says. Brooklyn's eyes light up and she covers her mouth to hide a smile. Jack is only a year younger than me, but still Mom treats him like he's ten. "It's nice to meet you, dear," she says sweetly and Brook nods.

"You, too, Mrs. Reid,"

"It's Anna, honey. Please," she says quickly.

It's Anna, but it won't be Christopher.

My father has spent the majority of his life behind his desk and is out of touch with the realities that it's entirely possible to be both responsible and fun. He lacks the empathy to understand that I didn't just wake up and decide to live under a rock one day; my wife died. Brooklyn is the first woman I've brought around to anything since, so to say she's the main even at the table would be an understatement.

My mother's been picking up the mess he's been leaving for years, and is too sweet for her own good. I often wonder how they ended up together in the first place, but I'm grateful they did.

And right on time, Dad starts up with the ridiculous questions.

"Brooklyn," he says before taking a bite of his steak. He stares at her the entire two minutes he spends chewing, then sets his knife and fork down on the table. "Were your parents hippies?"

"What?" she smiles. "No, sir. At least I don't think so,"

"Dad," I frown.

"Only hippies name their children after the place they were conceived,"

"What the hell..." I say again as the waitress sets salads down in front of each of us.

"It's fine," she laughs. "That's not the story, Mr. Reid. But I can't blame you for thinking it. My grandfather played for the Brooklyn Dodgers before they moved to Los Angeles," she says, smiling as she takes a bite of her salad.

This girl is really fucking interesting. I need to know more.

Dad's lips turn up in a small smile, and he lifts his knife and fork to cut off another piece of steak. I can't tell whether or not he's smiling because she surprised him, or if he's just being cocky.

"Okay," he says. "So tell us about yourself. What do you do? How'd you meet Harrison?"

I had two days to come up with a story and I didn't. Now I'm left hoping she's got the guts to go through with the rest of the night.

To Brooklyn, With Love (Completed) - Finding You Book 2Where stories live. Discover now