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"I hope you like macaroni and cheese a lot, Brooklyn," Sophie whispers, looking up at her as we get out of the car. "Auntie Layla loves it. It's her favorite. Grandma probably made it for lunch,"

"What a coincidence. Mac and cheese is my favorite food," Brook says, smiling down at Sophie.

"Me too," Sophie says with a big smile."I'm gonna eat lots,"

"But not as much as last time. Right, Soph?" I ask, eyes wide, as Sophie begins to giggle.

"Me and Uncle Jack had a contest," she explains to Brooklyn as we step up on the front porch. "And I won," she adds proudly.

"Is it really winning if you throw it all up in the car on the way home, though?" I ask, cringing. Out of the corner of my eye I see Brook covering her lips. Her eyes tell me she's hiding a smile.

The front door flies open and I stumble forward, nearly inside.

"About time you got here!" Layla squeals, throwing her arms around my neck. Layla may be turning 25, but she's like a kid when it comes to her birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Auntie Layla!" Sophie shouts, jumping up and down. "I made you a birthday crown!!" she says, unfolding the purple construction paper crown from her pocket and setting it on my sister's head.

"Thanks, Soph," she says, lifting my little girl into her arms and spinning her around once before setting her down beside me. "I love it,"

"So good to see you, Brook," Layla says, pulling Brooklyn into a quick hug. "Thanks for coming. I know Harrison can be a handful," she adds, smirking at me from over Brooklyn's shoulder.

I love my sister. I don't know what I would do without her. She's gotten me through some of the hardest shit I've ever been through and I owe her my life. Even when she was at school at Berkley, it never felt like she was more than a few minutes away.

Layla releases her and Brook steps back beside me, pressing her head against my arm and looking up at me as my mother walks into the room.

"Nothing I can't handle," Brook says, smiling up at me.

This girl can play the part. Her head is warm and soft against my arm and it feels amazing. It's been less than 8 hours since I kissed her, but it's popped into my head more than a dozen times.

Part of me is heartbroken that I might finally be okay with moving on from Lindsey, and the other half is dreaming up ways I can kiss Brooklyn again. Excuses, maybe, because I've used up the easiest one I had.

This is a bigger deal than she probably realizes, and that's why I'm playing it cool.

My heart can't break if it's only pretending.

Brooklyn's arm slides around mine as I stand with my hand in my pocket, and for the first time, I actually imagine what it might be like to really be with someone other than Lindsey.

"C'mon, Soph. You want to meet my new puppy?" Layla asks.

"What? A puppy?" Sophie's mouth drops open. "No fair. I've been asking for a puppy for years,"

"Years, huh?" Layla raises her eyebrows at me. "Well c'mon, Harrison. Better get on that,"

"Funny," I say, smirking at my baby sister before she takes my daughter's hand and leads her into the next room.

"Harrison," Mom says, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "You look relaxed. It's a nice change,"

Remembering Brooklyn's lips on mine has me far from relaxed, but I'm glad I'm pulling this off.

To Brooklyn, With Love (Completed) - Finding You Book 2Where stories live. Discover now