❄Lost prince❄

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Author 's note: this is happening simultaneously with the last chapter.

Jeon Mansion

Namjoon and jin were sitting in front of the fireplace like they normally Joon with a book and jin was looking over a case study for a patient of his when the door to the mansion flew open with a bang but both of them didn't even flinch,

"Do you have to be dramatic? Like the wood on those doors is expensive, yoongi" jin scoffed glaring at him, yoongi just gave him a bored look which only managed tick jin off, but before they could bicker namjoon intertwined

"Can't we have one normal conversation?? Just once??" He sighed having been in between them always torn, both of them relented and Joon gave them a grateful smile

"So yoongi how was your trip?" Namjoon asked him

"Ohh..it was great I could say not entirely fruitless. I found out some stuff though my patience was tested every minute I was there, I lived" he said sarcastically, namjoon nodded in understanding after all he knew Jackson can be really annoying.

"So what did he say?" Jin asked yoongi curious

"He didn't have much to say...he knew close to nothing but got me few archives but said can't be sure about their ingenuity but it's something..also he said that he misses namjoon," he said looking at jin who was red in his ears, of course, he was pissed off at that

"So...what does the archives say?" Namjoon asked trying to divert the attention and ease the tension and his mate's irritation

"Quite a lot actually....so I will summarize what I understand then you can put in your thoughts...okay?" Yoongi said looking at the mates, with the affirmative nod he proceeded

"So...what I gathered so far on this matter made me really curious that it's just not a simple reincarnation story...there is a bigger picture...so I decided to look into it...the book that hoseok has...its missing pages.." Jin interrupted him

"Wait? Missing pages do you mean it's tampered with??? Hobi didn't know about it??" Jin asked

"Yes, that is what is suspicious that book is not only missing pages but also a character...who no one knows about?" Yoongi said looking at other two who were utterly lost so he continued

"Okay...listen everyone knows about jimin And the prophecy and all the other shit that went down with that cursed kingdom...but there is literally nothing about one character" yoongi saw namjoon connecting the dots and smiled in affirmation

"The lost prince...jimin's older brother....who got lost in woods and according to the book everything went down after that incident," namjoon said

"Bingo!! There is literally very less information on the said Prince and after jimin was born it was like he ceased to exist...kingdom celebrated the prosperity after the birth of the second prince....but first one is just lost in the history" yoongi confirmed namjoon's thoughts but jin was still confused

"Okay...but why is that relevant here? And whatever happened to him...maybe he died in the fire too.." Jin concluded

"Yeah...that's exactly what anyone would think...but think deeply about it...the prince lost in the woods came back on his own...after his return, the kingdom started to go down...its too much of a coincidence don't you guys think?" To which namjoon hummed thoughtfully

"You are right yoongi...its too much coincidence"

"What else is suspicious is how they both got caught...jungkook and jimin I mean...it was out of nowhere, too sudden," yoongi said looking to namjoon, jin was getting fed up with not understanding a thing so he snapped

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