Chapter Sixty-Six

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"Isn't it worth a try?" I asked quietly, reaching out to touch his cheek. Instead of jerking his face away like I thought he would, he leant into the touch. 

"What's the point? I'm not giving him the money. Besides, we can always run away to Brazil or something."

"'We'?" I asked, smiling bemusedly. 

"You think I'm leaving you here? No, kitten, you'd be coming with me."

"I think that's kidnapping," I pointed out. 

He smiled wickedly. "I'd make you want to come with me," he promised, a dark undertone to his voice. 

I took a sudden, shaky breath, leaning back when he suddenly felt so close. "And how would you do that?" I asked. 

"I have my ways," he said cryptically.

Jay leaned closer until I could feel his breath hitting my face, my eyes wide. I felt like a rabbit trapped in the jaws of a fox; I was just waiting for him to make a move and there was no way I was escaping. I wouldn't admit it to him, but I didn't really want to escape. 

Suddenly he grabbed hold of my ankles and tugged so I was on my back. I gasped in surprise, wriggling slightly. I was stopped when Jay crawled over me, his lean muscles rolling under his skin like a leopard stalking its prey. I looked up at him with wide eyes, unable to stop him. He smirked slightly and looking over my body slowly. He set his hands on my stomach, scraping slightly with his blunt nails. 

I gasped and arched up into him. "Jay..."

"Yes, Kaidan?" he asked teasingly. 

"What happened to slow?" I asked, my breathing picking up as he slowly kissed along my jaw. 

"Do you want to stop?" he asked, seriously, hesitating before his lips could touch my neck. 

"God, no," I admitted in a breath. 

He grinned widely and kissed me deeply, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I moaned slightly, grabbing onto his hair as I kissed him back. He hummed happily at the tight grip I had on his hair. 

I couldn't help it when I parted my legs around him. He thanked me with a slow drag of his tongue against mine. I moaned again, arching up to him. I could feel his growing erection pressed right against mine and, fuck, that was hot. I tugged on his hair hard so he'd pull away from me. The moment he did - with a loud, shaky moan, I'm proud to say - my lips were on his neck, searching messily for the spot that I knew had him mewling and writhing. When I finally found it, he whimpered in pleasure, tilting his neck to give me a better angle. I nipped at him with my teeth, making him gasp. 

Still holding his hair tightly in one hand, my other hand snaked down his spine to his jeans. They weren't the ridiculously tight skinny jeans he usually wore, thankfully, so I could easily (well, almost easily) slip my hand into them. 

"You're not wearing any boxers," I whispered against his skin as I felt the gorgeously smooth skin of his arse. 

"Underwear is overrated," he said breathlessly. 

I couldn't help laughing. I pushed his jeans down to just below his arse before letting go of his hair and squeezing him with both hands. He moaned slightly, resting his head on my shoulder. I nipped at his ear slightly. 

"You have an amazing butt," I said with a small grin. 

"Glad you think so," he said shakily, though the teasing humour in his voice was still there. 

Jay kissed me again, stroking my tongue with his before he opened his mouth to me, inviting me in. I took the opportunity, making him moan slightly. The idea that he was so happy for me to take over like this made this even hotter. He was happy for me to do what I wanted with him. He trusted me to do what I wanted with him. 

"I love you," he gasped raggedly when we had to pull away for air. 

"Love you too," I said quietly, looking up at him. 

His expression was so open, so happy that I just wanted to hold him and never let go. 

"I need to shower," I said after a few moments, my breathing slowing down. 

"Can I join you?" he asked, nuzzling at my neck. 

"You're not going to be leaving me alone now, are you?"

He grinned and shook his head slightly. "Fine by me," I said, kissing his hair.

We lay like that for a little while, my hands resting lightly on his arse and his face buried in my neck. I couldn't help my wide, happy smile. I don't think my life had ever been better than this. 

"My butt's cold," Jay suddenly said. 

(A/N Hehe! I've been dying to write a sexy scene between our boys but this will have to do for now ;D Let me know what you think. Picture to the side is Kaidan's actor with a lip piercing, like Jay suggested. What do you think? Should he get it? I think lip piercings are really hot... Chapter dedicated to Tamsyn24 for imagining tattooed Jay with me. Now, lets all imagine that mental image.. Mm... Yum ~

Kissing Men (BoyxBoy | Mature)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang