Chapter 20. the science of healing

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What happened after that was a blur. First I find myself laying in Infested and them talking. "Nathan, rest easy now, you might out for a few days," I heard him say as the Infested grew over me. I was then out for 3 days before waking up to Isabelle, her children, Xol, Dol, and Xaviar in the room with me

I looked on at them, but I felt too weak to move my legs. "Isabelle, come here, I think you know what to do," I said to her. 

"Nathan you're still injured. Once you heal I will," she replied. 

"Just rest, for now, let your body and mind heal," Xol said to me. He then levitated me into a chamber.

"What are you doing," I asked him.

"Nathan this is ancient technology, meant to mend in about a day you'll rest in here with most of your energy reserved for healing," an odd figure told me before I was shut inside.

I was practically unconscious inside, but when I woke up I was on my bed with splotches of Infested on my skin. I get up to find a pocket dimension door in my room. I headed in it to find it to be a cave-like realm. That's when I heard a voice in my head telling me to sit down in the middle of the main area.

"Mend the Infested over your body, give it shape, give it form" I heard it say to me. I felt it grow over the rest of my body and into me as well. It was replacing my connective tissue and adding more to it. It was even growing over my eyes, more circular and a bold red than the ones underneath.

"Once you heal, I'll let you shift again Nathan. For now, build this nest with them by your side," I heard Xol say to me. I turn around to find a few Infested creatures in the cave with me, 2 of which later burst and sprayed spores all over the room, allowing the Infested to grow. The 3rd one came over to me and laid in my lap. "Tend to them, grow this as need be. I have put a pocket dimension door to your captor's lair" Xol said to me.

That's when I saw the creature I saw a few days ago enter and lay next to me, unafraid of the Infested. I petted it's back as if it was a dog or a cat. It guarded me most of the day as I was in there, only coming out to eat. I even slept in some of the infested that grew on the floor.

After a week I felt a new instinct kick in and the Infested on my body absorbed into me. "Now you can shift, head to your captor's lair. I'm sure she'd be glad to see you again" Xol said to me. I headed through the door to find her and her mate looking over the horizon in the cave. 

"When do you think he'll head here?" I heard one ask the other. 

"I'm already here," I said to them.

They turned around to find me behind them. I ran over and got into her arms as I shifted to my partly human form. 

"Nathan, you're ok, you may have Infested in you but regardless your still my hatchling," she said to me. 

"Yes, and you're still my son," he said to me. I then laid in between them, spending most of the day there.

When it was nightfall I was sleeping in between the 2 of them only to be woken up by Isabelle in front of me. I switched to my serpent form and hugged her as if I haven't seen her in months. "You know what to do," I told her. She then bit into my shoulder and as I felt her venom in my veins. 

"Now your scent is in your body, you're truly my mate now," She told me as she hugged me.

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