Chapter Ninteen

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"Anything in particular you wanna do Reilly?" Alex asked.

She shook her head.

Alex pulled up to the ice cream parlour. I smiled and looked up at Reilly who seemed a bit more amused now. We all went inside and ordered. We sat down at a booth.

"How are you doing Reilly?" I asked.

"Kind of bad." She sighed.

"How come?" Asked Alex.

"Um, well I told my friends about what was going on this morning and they said they'd help me through it, but I guess they became scared and tired of hearing about my problems and told me that they didn't want to be my friends anymore." She shrugged sadly.

"Reilly, I'm so sorry." Alex sighed.

I felt super bad for my sister, this is probably the hardest thing she'll ever go through and now she has to go through it alone.

"You always have us." I smiled.

She slightly smiled back.

We all got back in the car and drove back to my house. Alex dropped us off and drove away.

"Thank you Noah." She sighed.

"You're welcome, and Reilly don't worry about your friends, ok? You always have me and there's no possible way I'd ever leave you." I smiled.

She hugged me and made her way to her room. My mom came from her office to fill her water bottle.

"Did she tell you what happened today?" She asked.

I nodded.

"It sucks, but I guess it just goes to show that they were not her true friends." She shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess so. I know it's hard for her though." I sighed.

She walked back into her office which left me, a concussed loner sitting on the couch. My head was hurting pretty bad but my body felt numb. I felt like I couldn't move. The only sensation I felt was the throbbing of my temples. I looked up to the ceiling trying to ignore it but it just kept getting worse.

"Mom." I sighed.

The tone of my voice scared her and she quickly came out of her office.

"What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"I need help." I sighed.

"With what?" She asked.

"I need a pill." I sighed covering my eyes from the blinding light.

"Ok." She nodded as she made her way into the kitchen.

I felt myself get super warm and sweaty and began wiping my forehead.

"Mom, hurry." I sighed.

She rushed back over with a pill and a glass of water.

"Ok, sit up." She instructed.

"I can't." I sighed.

"Noah, please." She begged.

"I can't move." I sighed in agony.

"Noah honey, what's going on?" She asked.

"I can't feel my body." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" She asked nervously.

"I'm numb and hot." I sighed.

"Ok, maybe you should get you to bed." She sighed as she tried to help me off of the couch.

She held me under the arms and tried to help me walk. I couldn't.

"Reilly, I need some help!" Exclaimed my mom from the bottom of the stairs.

Reilly came down the stairs looking confused as our mom held me in the most awkward way possible.

"What's going on?" She asked as she came to the bottom.

"Just help me carry your brother up the stairs." She sighed.

Reilly grabbed my legs and they slowly walked up the stairs carrying me. They placed me on my bed and my mom sighed.

"Mom I don't know what's happening." I exclaimed frantically.

"Calm down." She sighed as she lightly placed her hand in my head and the other on my chest.

"You're ok." She smiled.

I couldn't calm down, I couldn't feel a thing and I had no idea why.

"Mom I-" I started.

My breathing becomes faster as I began to hyperventilate.

"Noah!" Exclaimed my sister as she stood to the side not really knowing what to do.

It felt like a weight was being pressed against my chest as I laid here.

"Baby, Noah, you're ok." My mother explained trying to calm me down.

I couldn't stop myself. The tears began to fall from my eyes. I tried so hard to stay conscious as I looked at my mothers worried face and my crying sister. I sighed and wiped my eyes.

"I'm ok."

The Truth of Noah ArbellWhere stories live. Discover now