Chapter 5

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'White hair? Why does that seem so familier?'

I feel a slight tingling sensation in my head.

"Now it's on!" He turns around, smirk playing on his lips.

As he turns and sets eyes on me, his playful demeanor suddenly vanishes and he just looks at me. Frozen. Eyes wide. Mouth almost hanging open.

I freeze as I take in his shocked features. Immediately becoming self-conscious and unsure of myself.

He has bright blue eyes. It's like looking into the depths of a frozen lake, but there's a warmth to them.

Suddenly, they turn cold and his shock quickly changes into something else.

I instinctively step back from the intensity of his gaze.

I see anger, fear, confusion. All roaring through his sapphire eyes. Lastly, I can see hurt and pain hidden deep within them.

My stomach tightens as I take in a sharp breath.

"What are you doing here?" His voice is deep and scratchy. The intensity of the question feels like an icy kick to the stomach.

My confused silence seems to only further provoke him as he suddenly stands taller and takes on a more hostile stance.

"Why are you here!?" His voice catches at the end, as if he were just barely holding himself together.

I take a deep breath and try not to show my trepidation. I've just met this guy and suddenly I'm being yelled at.

"Hi, I'm Rose." I try to loosen my tensed muscles as I mister up as much confidence as I can and take a step forward, hand extended in greeting.

He doesn't make any sign of shaking it, so I awkwardly withdraw it and continue.

"I'm sort of new, I moved here a couple months ago. I'm a first year at Burgess University." I say sending an apprehensive friendly smile, cautiously studying his reaction before continuing.

"And.. you are..?" I ask after a few seconds of awkward silence. I can't help slightly rocking on my feet as he doesn't make any sign of response.

"Jack...?" Jamie takes a step towards the white haired boy, a look of worry plastered on his face.

Jack seems to relax a little at the sound of the young boy, but still refuses to move his intense icy gaze.

"Stay away from her," Jack says turning his body towards Jamie, eyes never leaving me "and you stay away from me." He glares at me before jumping into the sky and FLYING AWAY!?

Now it's my turn to stare at him in shock as I watch him soar towards the woods.

We stand there in stunned silence for a while. A feeling of uneasiness polluting the crisp winter air. Everyone makes excuses and leaves to make their way home.

"Have you.." Jamie pauses mid sentence as if scared of the answer "met Jack before?"

I wait a few seconds, lost in thought before responding.

"Not that I know of.." I suddenly remember the nightmare I had my first night in Burgess.

A flash of blue light.

A frozen lake.

"I've got you."

White hair.

A chuckle from the shadows.


When we get back to the house, we head back to our rooms in silence.

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