Chapter 1

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It's been a couple years. I'm not sure how many really, but I just can't get rid of this feeling that I'm not where I'm supposed to be.

Not who I'm supposed to be.

I feel like I've changed. The person I used to be has just gone and left me feeling empty and confused. I'm not sure why, but I've been drawn to this town for a while now..

A year ago I applied at a university in Pennsylvania. I got accepted in other places, but something just drew me to it.

Maybe it was the constant snow they seemed to have, or the quaintness of the small town, or the fact that New York was just a couple hours away, but here I am.

Burgess University.

It's a small campus with not many students, but I prefer it that way. Students can get more help and attention from lecturers. It was easier than expected for me to say goodbye to all my friends and family back home, but I promised I'd visit over the holidays.

I take a deep breath and walk through the front doors of the university. It's filled with chatter as students walk around and hang out on the couches and benches. I do my best to blend in and not be seen, I've always been awkward around new people.

I prefer to just observe and not interact. That's probably why I'm studying psychology.
It's always been my thing. Trying to understand why people do the things they do, it helps me relate to them more. It also helps me with my real passion.


I love dressing up and pretending to be someone else. I go to conventions and expos all the time, I'm proud to be called a nerd or a geek. Even if people only realize it after talking to me. People don't usually care about what I have to say. They just want pictures.

"Can I help you?"

I freeze, turning to see the friendly receptionist at the front desk.

"Um, yeah.. I'm Rose Umbra, I'm studying first year psychology. I just moved here from overseas and I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to go." I say sheepishly.

"Ah, yes! Rose Umbra, I was wondering when you'd arrive!" The receptionist says sweetly. She brushes her dark hair behind her ear and looks through some papers.

"Here we are. You just need to go to conference room 5, which is that room right over there." She points to a room with a glass wall to my left.

"And don't forget your papers." She says handing me a stapled pack of about 5 pages. "They just require your signature for textbooks, fees, your course, what modules you'll be taking, and.." she pauses handing me another paper "this is the student accommodation sheet. You'll be staying with a family in the town. We don't usually get students that don't live here, so we've never had a need for student accommodations before."

"Thanks." I smile at her before heading into the room. It reminds me of a hospital. White walls, grey carpet, white desk, three silver chairs. Very clean. One chair on one side of the desk and two on the other. I feel kind of awkward just standing here, so I slowly sit down on one of the chairs facing the table.

Suddenly the door opens and a tall guy with a happy vibe walks in.

"Hello, you must be Rose. My name's Edgar." He shakes my hand and takes a seat, facing me.

"I'm one of the student advisors, and I'm just here to get you ready for the year. I believe our receptionist gave you all the papers?" He gestures towards the papers I'm holding.

"Um, yes. She mentioned that they were pretty much just admin and that I'd be staying with a family in town." I say, handing him the papers. I can feel myself shaking, but I try to act like I actually know what I'm doing. I've never had to do any of this alone before. My mom always took care of the admin..

"Yep, that's pretty much all it is. So you just need to sign right here, fill this in, sign there and choose a payment plan." He says flipping through the papers and pointing at the parts I need to fill out.

"Ok then." I take the papers back and start reading over them, signing and filling everything in. My parents and I had already spoken about which payment plan we're going to use, so all I have to do is fill in their details.

"Alright then. That's everything." Edgar starts to take the papers.

"Oh, wait." I gasp "I forgot I need to send copies to my parents." I reach into my pocket for my phone, take pictures of all the paper work and click send.

"Ok, well now all that's left is your resident form. You just need to sign right here, and then you can meet the family." He points to a dotted line at the bottom of the sheet.

I glance through the paper.

The Bennett's

My stomach churns. I wonder what they'll be like..

After signing the paper Edgar walks me outside and towards a couple that look to be in their early to mid 30's. The woman's average height with light brown hair and hazel eyes. The man's about a head taller than her with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes hidden behind black rimmed glasses.

When they see us walking towards them their faces light up and they both send me a friendly smile.

"Emily! John! It's good to see you again!" Edgar exclaims giving them both a friendly hug.

"It's been too long." Comments the woman, presumably Emily.

"You really should come over for dinner more often, we haven't seen you since the college reunion. You're working at the university now?" Adds the man, John.

"Yes, well. I couldn't keep up with all the traveling. Needed to settle down somewhere and I know how anxious I was when we were in college. Thought I'd help out the students. I'm the new student advisor." Edgar chats, turning towards me.

"Speaking of, this is Rose. She's the student from overseas that'll be staying with you."

"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you both." I say giving a polite smile. This feels so awkward. It's like everyone knows everybody. Nothing like back in the city..

"It's so nice to meet you too. I'm Emily and this is my husband, John. We're so excited to have you stay with us." Emily beams.

"Well, I'm sure you're tired from your flight. It's been a long day," starts Edgar "so I won't keep you all up. Classes start next week Wednesday, so you should have some time to get to know the town, sort out your books, maybe meet a few classmates."

He turns back to the couple "It was great seeing you both again. I'll definitely take you up on that dinner offer. See you soon." He gives John a pat on the shoulder and heads back into the building.

"Well, hop in. We'll show you our house. You can tell us all about your flight on the way!" Emily says, opening the back door of their red Chevrolet.

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