"I got call to come down here today to pick up my son and was told she didn't have long to live. Emma looked like a corpse when I got here. Do you know what was wrong with her?"

George sits down beside her, "I didn't know she was sick. It would seem you're still down as her next of kin that's good you should be able to get some answers".

"That means I have to arrange her funeral but I haven't spoken to her in eight months".

"I'm sure she has left a will", George says to her.

They both sit in silence after that lost in their thoughts. After a while the nurse that took Meghan's blood walks back into the room.

"The blood work has come back you're both the baby's parents. Meghan and George look at each other in shock.

"I'll take you to see your son now if you just follow me".

They follow her to the nursery and see their son for the first time. He was asleep he had brown hair and looked like Meghan but he had his father's nose.

It was a surreal feeling for Meghan seeing her son for the first time who she knew nothing about with his father. The same man who humiliated and betrayed her months before.

"We need to think of a name for him".

Meghan look at George of all the thing she expected him to say that wasn't it.

"Arthur",  she says.

"Arthur David Adam Ricci".

"He's your son I'm not going to denied you his last name".

"Thank you".

After filling in the necessary paperwork George and Meghan leaves the hospital with their son. After dropping Meghan and Arthur off at Meghan's mansion. George leaves to buy everything they would need for Arthur.  Everything from a crib to baby formula and bottles. He ask Meghan if he could stay for a few days with her and their son till he got settled she said okay.

Meghan walks into her house to be greeted by her housekeeper Debra. Apart from the car seat for Arthur she had nothing else for him.

When George arrived with the baby supplies Meghan takes the baby bottles and sterilise them  then feds Arthur.

Pretty soon the house had everything a baby would need. Meghan knew she wanted a proper nursery for Arthur. So she calls one of the best decorators in New York to come and do up Arthur's room.

When Arthur was asleep Meghan walked downstairs with the baby monitor in her hand. She sees George in the living room.

"We need to talk", he says to her. "I'm sorry for the way I behaved at our wedding it was callous and heartless of me to treat you that way. I never had an affair with Emma yet she told me she was pregnant with my child. I did put some sperm on ice before I met you and she somehow found out about it. By marrying her I was making sure my child was protected. I'm going to assume you did the same with your eggs".

"She had I both froze some eggs as we were both so career oriented. If you wanted to protect your child why did you divorce her?"

"After I halted our wedding, that afternoon she told me it was someone else's baby and she faked all the evidence she showed me. I was very angry at her and filed for divorce that day".

"Did you never check to see if she was lying to you I mean she did show you evidence after all?"

"I was so angry with her and I was happy to get her out my orbit".

"You believed her enough to marry her and enough to divorce her. You should have checked if the baby was yours.  Clearly she was lying about something".

"The night before our wedding my Nona got some bad news about her health. I spent six months in Italy with her. She's better now that's why I'm back in New York. I've been here for the last two months. She will be so happy to hear I have a son".

The next day Meghan found out Emma left her in charge of her estate and her burial.  She also left her everything she owned and stacks upon stacks of letters. Emma numbered the envelopes and wanted her to read them in numerical order.

Meghan arranged Emma's funeral and invited the handful of people that Emma wanted there. Meghan couldn't help feeling sad as she and George said their final goodbye to her.

Ten years of friendship turned into lies, deceit and egg snatching thought Meghan in her bedroom after the funeral.

Meghan put Emma's letters away in a draw unopened. Then go into Arthur's room to see George feeding him.

"Let's get married", she says to him.

He looked very surprise at her words, "Today made me realise that I want Arthur to have at least one parent taking care of him if god forbid something happens to the other. If Emma didn't get in touch with us when she did Arthur's future could have been so different. He would have gone into care or be adopted".

"When do you want to do get married?"

"If we fill in the paperwork today we can get married in three days. I just want us and Arthur at the wedding. We can tell our families about us getting married and about Arthur after we're married".

Three days later Meghan walked into her townhouse as Mrs Ricci. George moved some of his things into what was now their home. He put his house on the market because it held too many bad memories for him. Meghan's house held good memories for him so he tells her he doesn't mind staying there.

So what do you guys think of the story so far, don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. Thank you for choosing my story.

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