Chapter Twenty-One~Good Memories

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"So you ready?" I ask.

Kinsley nods. "Sadly," she says.

"Okay, well, lets get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get water." She nods her head and follows me into the forest.

Kinsley and I decided to head to the spring area. Kinsley wanted to stay at the ocean, but I had to make her see reason. We can't stay here. We've stayed here for three days. There's only four of us left. That means we're getting to the end, but that also means the Gamemakers are going to be in a hurry to finish it also. So I do not want to be around that water when the finale comes.

As we walk through the trees in silence, it's gives me time to think. It gives us both time to think. In the past three days I've grown to know the young tribute. We've talked and laughed and I've grown to love her. Every night we'll talk by the fire and every night we snuggle up together. She's like a little sister to me.

She's told me about her family, about her friends, about her life. Every time I hear her talk about her family I feel the love she has for them. I've come to love the ones she loves; her brother, her friend, her parents.

I've told her about my family, about my life. When I bring up Jeremy she always has to say that I need to keep him close and not loose my great relationship with him. When I talk about Jared she gets all giggly. She wants to know the history I have with Jared. I tell her the parts I can tell. I tell her the parts that I can say without giving away who he is or saying something that I might regret later on.

I love Kinsley Odair. I really do. And I don't want to see her die. She has so much to live for, some much that her family's already been through. If I die, I know it'll be hard for my family, but I also know they will carry on. That's just the kind of people they are. But if Kinsley dies, I don't know how her family will deal with it. From everything Kinsley has told me, I don't think they'll get by that well. I can tell that they think she'll win. Kinsley even said Annie told her to 'beat Finnick out of spot light'.

Kinsley deserves to win. And I plan on helping that happen.

As I walk I see all animals in the trees. I see squirrels jump from branch to branch. I see a rabbit or two hopping away from my feet. Birds fly and sing in the trees. Life is beautiful. It's beautiful how life can carry on when everything around it is falling apart. It's beautiful how the simplest things can make you keep going. Like a nut, or a footstep, or even a young tribute. Life's beautiful. It's as simple as that.

I hear a sharp intake of breath behind me. I grab my axe from my belt and spin around. The sight before me is unexpected.

Jackal holds Kinsley's arms behind her back with one hand. His other hand is tenderly running a finger down her cheek and whispering in her ear.

"Now, now, now..." he coos. There's tears falling down Kinsley's cheeks. My grip on the axe tightens. "Shh it's okay. It's okay."

"Get your hands off her." I say glaring at him.

"Why? Why should I? I'm fixing to have some fun with this one." And right before I throw my axe Kinsley's tears stop falling and a serious look comes over her face.

"Not today, you're not." she says. She jabs her heel into his foot. He yelps and lets go. She pushes him to the ground. She takes out her knife and...


She does nothing. She just stands there, looking at him with a knife in her hand. "Kinsley." I say, "Do it." But she doesn't. Jackal stands up and grabs his sword. Kinsley looks petrified.

Right before he goes for the kill I throw my axe which lands perfectly in his chest. Blood sprays across Kinsley's face. I run over and yank the axe from Jackal's body. More blood sprays every where. "Kinsley what was that?! You could haven been killed! What is wrong with--" but my rage dies when I turn and see her face.

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