Chapter Eight~Wait, You're My Prep Team

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It turns out that all supper is is dinner; and there for is not at all as cool as the shower. I was disappointed.

I sit at the table with Gina, Bame, and Condine. Gina seems to have a lot to say. I try to listen but I'm too awed by the food. First, because there was so much of it. Second, because it smelt really, really good. Third, because it tasted really, really good. And now, everything. The food here is just plain out great!

I can't stop shoving my face and when Gina has a brake in her long, drawn out speech with Bame she reminds Condine and me that there's still more to come. Great!

At some point in the the meal one of the servers hands me a cup of something dark and merky. At the same time the glass hits the table a waft of it comes flooding to my nose.


My fingers instantly wrap around the cup and bring it to my lips. It's hot and sweet. The flavor engulfs my mouth. My mouth, along with my being, soaks up the hot liquid like a dead desert soaks up rain. I pretty much finish my cup in gulp. I ask for more and try to pay attention to the conversation.

"So how are you two liking the train so far?" Gina asks.

I don't know what to say. Do I tell her that I absolutely do love the train and the food and especially the shower? Or do I act like I could care less about the stupid train and wants in it; the only thing I'm after is the crown?

But wait, I'm not supposed to act like I want the crown. I'm supposed to act like I'm scared and young. Like I'm the small, weak little girl from District Seven. "It's big." I whisper. I'm holding my arms but wrap them more tightly around myself and look around the train car.

Condine looks at me and smiles. "Well I couldn't figure out how to open the door." he says, "I had to ask one of the attendants to help me out with it." Gina laughs and starts talking with Bame again. But Condine's eyes never leave my face.

I'm afraid he's going to see right through my lie and I can't allow that to happen. So instead I turn to Gina, and even though she's in the middle of a conversation, I cut her off. "Gina, how did they get our finger prints?"

Gina looks at me in shock for a moment. She must not be use to people being rude and cutting her off but I could hardly care less. But she quickly gets over it and asks, "Excuse me?"

"Well," I say, "You don't know who's going to be picked before the Reaping so how did you get our finger prints for our door pads to work?"

"Oh," she says. She picks up her glass that's full of some kind of red liquid and continues. "Well, you know that at the beginning of the Reaping the Capital attendant take your blood and your finger print." she takes a sip and finishes, "So when I say your name they take your finger print, and while you're saying goodbye, they put it in the key pad."

"Oh," I whisper and wrap my arms back around myself. I can still feel Condine's eyes on me. I feel closed in by his sight. And when the server comes to give me my other cup of chocolate I almost jump out of my skin. A small squeak escapes my lips, though. I see Bame shake his head and mutter under his breath.

I know that this is the way I'm supposed to be acting but I don't like it at all. All I want to do is jump up tell him want I think. Tell him that I'm not a small weak girl. That I'm a strong woman who's determined to win the Hunger Games.

But I don't say any of that. I keep my overly big mouth shut for once.


After supper Gina leads us to the television in the other room to watch the recaps of the Reaping in the other districts.

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