Chapter Twelve~Privet Sessions, Great

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"Okay, move it up and down slightly." the green haired woman tells me. I do as she says. "Well, I can't see any damage, so," she looks up at me from the small stool she's sitting on, "you may go back to train."

I nod my head. She smiles, stands up, pulls off her gloves, and walks out of the really white room. I heave a sigh and hop off the bed.

After I accidently plunged the axe into my ankle the Gamemakers called the healers and they brought me here. It turns out that all I did was skim the surface of my ankle but somehow twisted it in the process. And I guess when I fell I bruised up my knee along with it.

Which of course none of that was true besides the fact that I caused all the injuries.

But all they had done was taken me to this like really white room and 'stitched me up' as the green haired healer had said. What ever that means.

I was really surprised how they done it. They didn't even put me to sleep or anything. They told me to lay still and they wrapped a few straps around my ankle. They moved something over it and suddenly the pain subsided. They wiped some cream on my knee and, because of my request, the fixed my nose.

So an hour later I'm standing up and moving my ankle around like I never even injured it at all. Two Peacekeepers come in and one of them says, "We're here to bring you back to the training areas." I nod and slip on my shoes.


I grab my tray of food and head to one of the empty tables. I pass the table where all careers are sitting and Jena says under her breath, "Wimp," but she turns it into a cough. Everyone laughs around her.

"Hey, how's your ankle?" Station asks. He has a smug smile on his face.
Better then your face. I think.

I rush past their table and to the empty one. I slide into the seat and bow my head. I know the other tributes are either laughing or feeling sorry for me. I want to lift my head to see what Condine's doing, but I don't.

"Mind if I sit here?" I look up at the voice and find Kinsley Odair standing there with her tray.

I stare at her while the laughter carries around the room. When I don't respond she slides into the seat across from me. As soon as she does the laughter dies quickly.

I just stare at her like a moron while she gets to eating. She glances up at me and says through a mouth a noodles, "You know, if you're not going to eat that I'll be glad to." That snaps me out of my daze and I get to eating.

After a while of silence, well I guess not silence because we can still hear the careers clearly, she speaks up, "So, how's your foot?"

"Ankle." I correct her quickly.

She smiles and says, "Ankle."

"Fine," I tell her. I look back at my food and wrap my arms around myself.

"You cold?" she asks.

"What? Oh--" I shake my head, "no, I'm just..." I look around trying to come up with an excuse but I can't, so I just look back at my tray.

"So," she says after yet another long silence, "how do you not know how to use an axe? I mean, you are from District Seven, right?"

I nod my head. "Yeah," I tell her, "but only men are allowed to use an axe."

"Oh," she says.

"No wait, that's not want I meant." I say, "I mean men don't like it when women use an axe. It's not proper."

"So what do the women do?" She actually looks interested.

"Well," I begin, "women normally work the shops in town. While some other women will work in these little shops and hand out water and sometimes food to the men who work. But then there's also some women who don't do any work and just stay home; but they're normally Main people, so they can actually afford to have only one person working." I finish.

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