Chapter Four~Find and Tell

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"Umm, I think we should go..." Jared whispers, but I can tell by his voice that he doesn't want to. I'm sitting on his lap and we're holding hands, watching the sun set.

"But I don't want to." I whine. "And neither do you, and you know it."

"I know, but I have to. Mom's expecting me home soon to help her with dinner." he starts rubbing his thumb across my ring on my finger.

I can't believe I'm fixing to ask this but I feel like I have to, "You do have enough food, don't you?" I whisper. His finger stops and I know he's fixing to go off about his pride and all that but I stop him before he can even get started,"Yes, yes, I know. You're proud--"

"It's not about being proud, Johanna," he jumps up, rocking me off his lap.


"See, Johanna, I know that you have more money than me but I can take care of the ones I love."

I hope up too. "Why do you think I'm asking you? What, to embarrass you? To make you feel worse about about your life? No! I asked you because I care about you just as much as you care about your family--your loved ones. Well, you know what Jared, you're my loved one too!" I scream. My eyes brim with tears, but I blink hard, forcing them to go away.

Jared seem to calm down. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry." he kisses the top of my head. "I know that you're trying to help but you don't understand." he pulls away just a little so I can see his eyes. "I said I need to take care of my loved ones. And then you just said that I was your loved one. You know what that means? You need to take care of me. I'm sorry if I'm not too thrilled with the idea of you taking care of me. It shouldn't be like that." he puts his forehead to mine.

I know how much this upsets him. I know he wants to be the perfect man who takes care of his perfect woman.

But is life ever perfect.

"Hey, no its me who should me sorry. I'm the one who made you feel that way. I really am sorry." I put my hand on his cheek and kiss him softly. "Okay," I say, "let's go before it's completely dark."

We walk out of our little grassy cliff top. We walk down our path that goes throw the woods and to the fence. But before we go under the fence and before we have to return to our lives that don't involve each other, he grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss.

I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss, not wanting it to end. I run my hands throw his hair and he rubs my back but before it can go any farther he pulls away. We're both breathing heavily and our cheeks are just tad bit pink.

He smiles down at me and wraps me into a big hug. When we finally let go he helps me get under the fence. When I'm back on my feet he grabs my hand to help steady me. I start walking to the tree but someone comes into my view.

"Johanna?" Jeremy asks. I let a slight take of air come from my mouth when I see him. I quickly untangle my fingers from Jared. I drop my hand behind my back. Damn it! I say to myself. While we were kissing and holding hands I completely forgot to take off my ring.

"Johanna, what are you doin' here? I thought you were at the house." Jeremy asks. He looks at me with a kind-of a smile but he's not quite smiling. I know I should say something but no matter how hard I try I can't.

How am I going to explain to Jeremy about Jared? Will he even believe the lie I do tell? And besides what's he doing here, anyway? Was he waiting for me? He wouldn't do that. Would he? Oh, man, I'm going to be in so much trouble when he finds out about Jared!

But on the surface I'm not doing or saying any of that stuff. On the surface I'm standing there, open mouthed, staring at Jeremy like a moron who forgot how to speak because she's afraid she'll bite her tough off or something.

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