Chapter Eleven~The Smart People

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I'd like to thk ScubertNubert!! Yes, I know if any of u have read Call to Home along with Worst Mistake then u know that I've already mentioned her a few times. But I just can't help it!! She is amazing and such a sweetheart. She is officially my #1 fan!!!


I step out of the shower and go to the little gray pads. I press my hands to them and let the air current dry my body.

I walk out of the bathroom and find the tight, stretchy outfit that I wear the day before. I slide it on. And run my hands around my necklace.

The necklace feels so much lighter now that I don't have the ring hanging from the chain.

I'm twisting my ring  when I hear a rapping on my door. "Johanna?" Gina called from the other side, "Time to get up. Breakfast is already out."

I muffle a groan and slide out of my room. When my feet touch the ground I slump my shoulders a little and grab my arm. I walk down the hall and see everyone sitting at the table.

How is it that I'm always late?

I quickly rush up to the table. I hear Bame make a noise and laugh a little. I swear he better stop! He is not going to be laughing and making fun of me when I step off that plate. He'll wish he were smarter to figure it out. Hell. He'll wish--

I've been so caught up in my inner babble I didn't even realize what I was doing. And by the time I did, it was too late.

I try to step around my chair so I go in straight but my foot gets caught on the chair leg and I tumble. I try to catch myself but I trip over the chair and I fall face first into the ground; smashing my nose into the cool tile floor.

The first thing I hear clearly is a deep, husky laugh. Then I hear a few little gasps. I feel my arms being lifted. "Ow..." I moan.

"Are u okay?" I don't even have to look to know it's Condine.

I take my hand from my nose. I see blood on my fingers. I look over and see Bame is hunched over laughing so hard his face is turning red. Gina's standing up with a hand to her throat. I look up into Condine's eyes.

I can't believe I just done that! I can't believe I just fell on my face! I start shaking my head and I rush to my room. Condine calls after me but I can't hear it over the slam of my door.

I quickly run to the bathroom and pour water from the sink thing. I don't even pay attention when the freezing water runs over my skin. I don't care if it is freezing!

When my hands are so red you would think they were bleeding I pull them away and rush to the other room. I grab a small wash cloth and go back to the bathroom.

This time I turn up the water a little and rub the blood from my hands. I look in the mirror and see blood dripping from my nose. I wipe the cloth over my nose and I hear a sharp pop!

Pain shoots through my nose and travels down my face. I muffle a yell and slump to the floor.

Man, I think to myself, this has to be the most stupidest thing ever in the  freaking world.

I stand up and look at the time: |_9:34_|

So I have about twenty-five minutes until it's time to go train. "Okay..." I say outloud.

I stand up and walk to a clear spot in the middle of my room. I lay down and do twenty sit ups. I hop up and pace around my room for five minutes. I do jumping jacks and lunges. When I look back at the time it says |_9:53_|.

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