Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: Rosalind's outfit for this chapter is above.

The Rager

Rosalind was walking around the house with a clipboard and phone to her ear, Ros was talking to a caterer

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Rosalind was walking around the house with a clipboard and phone to her ear, Ros was talking to a caterer.

"Where do you want these kegs to go?"

"Over there is good." Rosalind pointed to and area in the yard. Rebekah ran up to Ros wrapping her arms around Rosalind's neck kissing her passionately.

"It looks amazing, love."


There are kids outside, drinking from a keg and having a good time. Rosalind and Rebekah were walking around holding hands and saying hi to their guests.

"Bekah, I'll be right back. I'm going to get real drink instead of the cheap beer." Rosalind laughs kissing the blonde's cheek.

Rosalind went to get a real drink as Rebekah went into the kitchen.


Rebekah and Rosalind are standing on the porch when Stefan and Elena pass them on their way out.

Rebekah fake-pouts "Leaving so soon?"

Elena stops and turns around to face Rebekah. "No. Not just yet." Elena looks at Stefan and hands him her bag. "I never got a drink."

She looks at Rebekah, smirking, and walks over to the keg. She places her hands on the sides of the keg and does a handstand. Someone sticks the beer hose in her mouth and she starts to drink as everyone around her starts shouting, "Chug! Chug! Chug!" After a few moments, Elena eventually comes back to the ground and wipes beer from her mouth.

Elena smiles "Now I'm ready to go." Stefan hands Elena her bag and they walk away together. Rebekah and Rosalind watches them leave, but Rebekah's vision suddenly starts to blur, which worries her. She walks back into the house Rosalind follows her girlfriend worried. Rebekah looks in the mirror to see darkened veins start to pulse throughout her face.

"What the hell?" Rebekah said horrified Ros looks at the blonde wide-eyed and very worried. 


Rebekah is sitting at a desk in her room. She looks down at her arm, which is marked up with darkened blood vessels. Rosalind walks up and leans against the frame of the doorway. Rebekah sees her standing there through the mirror.

"You don't look so hot."

"Whatever it is, it's not the white oak stake, so it can't kill me." She starts to get up.

"Rebekah, I think you're amazing." The blonde smiles.

"You've had a thousand years to learn, to grow, and to start fresh. And somehow you've managed to throw it all away. Now you're alone. You're compelling your friends. Your brother hates you. I don't love you I hate you, you don't deserve love."

Rebekah becomes so hurt and upset that she impulsively rips out Rosalind's heart. She instantly dies and falls to the ground, and Rebekah stares in horror at the heart in her hands before dropping it onto the floor. She blinks, almost in a daze, and when she looks around the room, Rosalind was asleep in their bed. Revealing that it was only a hallucination because of the werewolf venom. Rebekah seems both relieved and terrified.

Rebekah was curled up in Rosalind's arms, still looking as though she is being affected by the werewolf venom. April walks in the room and knocks on the doorframe. The girls opens their eyes and sees her.

"Hey." April picks up some empty cups and throws them in a garbage can she is carrying.

"Way to bail on your own party."

"We just. We needed a minute. Did everyone leave?"

"Yeah, deputies weren't actually super-happy about the anti-curfew party."

"Why are you still here?"

"Um, honestly? Picking up trash is a hell of a lot better than sitting at home alone thinking about the family you no longer have." Rebekah gets up and walks towards April, clearly identifying with the young girl.

"Hey, uh, if you want, We could...We could help you look into what happened with the fire at your farmhouse."

"What are you going to be able to do that I can't?"

Rosalind smiles getting up from the bed "You'd be surprised." April seems touched by this kindness and nods.


Rosalind heard yelling coming from inside the Elena's house.

"Elena! Elena!"

Rosalind super-speeds into the room and pushes Elena off of Matt. Elena is still vamped-out and growls as she tries to rush back towards Matt. Rosalind pushes her back, admonishing her as though she's a naughty child.

"Stop! Stop." Elena starts to return to normal and looks at Matt. Matt is terrified. Elena starts to cry.

"Oh my God. Matt, I'm sorry. I'm so-I'm so sorry. I didn't-I didn't mean to-" Rosalind walks towards Matt and stares him in the eyes.

Rosalind compels Matt "It's okay. Forget what just happened. You came over, she fed a little bit, and you left. Now go home." Matt leaves. Rosalind looks at Elena.

"What have I done?" Rosalind walks over towards her. "Nothing you should be ashamed of. You are a vampire now. You just have to learn the right way to be one. And I'm gonna teach you."

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