"You're welcome."

"And I'm sorry I'm a little late I thought I'd be back before seven but I guess not."

"That's fine. I didn't have any plans tonight anyway."

"Great. Well, I guess I'll see you monday?"


"And don't worry about cleaning up after them, I'll do it."

"You're sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure. You have a good night."

She was slightly confused by the way he was in a hurry to say that. It felt like he was rushing her out. But she didn't say anything. She only collected her things and left.

Fifty minutes later, Charlie and Nema were in bed and Harry and Amos were on the couch in his bedroom with the door locked again. They'd just finished going over the phone call precedure again, to refresh Harry's memory.

"You've got two minutes now. Take a deep breath and get your thoughts together."

Harry did. "I'm still nervous."

"I know. That's normal."

"I need Zayn back."

"I know that too."

Getting his thoughts together was helpful in calming him. But as soon as the phone rang, he tensed.

"Calm." Amos whisperd.

He answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hello, Harry. Have you got our money?"

"Yes but-"

"All of it?"

"Yes. All of it. But I'm not giving it to you until I talk to Zayn."


"Yes. I want to know that he's still alive."

"Fucking bullshit." He heard but then it was quiet again.

A moment later. Zayn's voice was heard.


"Zayn. I'm here, baby."

"I'm scared."

"I know. Me too. But I'm trying my best to get you back. I just have to make sure that it's you. Tell me something only you and I would know."

There was a short pause. "I got you coffee on Monday."

Harry frowned. "Zayn. I said tell me something I don't already know. Tell me something new."

"I got you coffee on Monday." He repeated.

"Zayn, I'm being serious. This is your life that's involved. Don't you understand?"

"I got you coffee, Harry."


There was no reply. Instead, the distorted male's voice returned. "Hey! He said he got you coffee!"

"But he already said that."

"Well he said it again. So that's it. You got your proof of life. Now here's what I want. Keep the money you already have safe. Tomorrow, the bank is closed. So you'll have to wait until Monday. On Monday, choose a different bank than the two previous banks and withdraw eight thousand three hundred in cash."

Once again, Harry was floored. "More money?"

"At exactly eight p.m. on Monday, you will receive another call for further instruction. Don't put your husband's life in danger by disobeying me."

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