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IF YOU'RE NEW HERE, this is book 3 of the sHe series. This is a story that requires both book one and book two to be read first and in order before you start this one.

To read both books, find the stories/covers below in my works.

To read both books, find the stories/covers below in my works

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CEO Harry Styles is living a great life with his husband, Zayn, and their two children in their mansion for a home. They're running a successful empire and home life and Zayn has just been inspired to design women's clothing. All is going well until one day Zayn leaves work and doesn't come home.

Right away, Harry knows something isn't right. Zayn would never just abandon his family like this. There has to be a reason he would suddenly disapear. And there is a reason. It's just not the one that Harry is prepared to hear.

● Crime and death
● Some explicit language.




I know this is different for this series but I look forward to your participation. :)


This story is fully edited aside from the parts I decided not to edit because it would take away inline comments.

Pelican » Zarry ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora