Amos huffed quietly. "Okay. I'm going to be honest with you."


"Even if we do find his car, we can't collect the evidence anyway."

"Why not?"

Amos really wanted to tell Harry that the most important reason was if Zayn didn't make it and they found his body later, that evidence would be important in locating his killer. But he just couldn't bring himself to do it. So he gave him another true reason.

"Because it would be a crime to tamper with crime scene evidence. If something happens and they need that evidence to find the people who kidnapped Zayn, we could ruin everything. To add, Security Consultants are not legally allowed to investigate any crimes. We are only here to give you advice about how to handle the kidnappers. I'm already going beyond what I should do because I care about you as a friend. But that doesn't mean I don't love my job. Because I do. That's why I took it. And I am not going to go doing things that will ruin my career and reputation forever."

Harry huffed when Amos unlocked the door and opened it.

"Amos, wait." He followed him out.

"I meant what I said."

"I know. But you don't understand. Another day could be too late. My husband could die. They could put a bullet in his head."

Amos stopped and faced him. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do. I trust you."

"Then stop trying to tell me how to do my job and how not to do it and let me do what I am trained to do. Go lie down and get some rest for tomorrow so you can have a clear mind. You have two beautiful children who are counting on you. Don't blow it because you're being impatient. Alright? I'll be back here by four thirty tomorrow."

He went walking through the house, but this time when Harry followed him, it wasn't to stop him. He simply opened the door for him, closed it behind him and locked it.

It wasn't till then that Harry was able to stop and take in all that just happned. He'd just spoken to Zayn's kidnapper again and he asked for more money. Harry had been making mental plans to have him back tonight. But that was taken from him. Why him? Why were they doing this to him? There had to be a reason.

He sank down to the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest. The last time he felt this helpless, it was when his mother was dying of cancer. The only difference was that Zayn was there to help him fill in the blanks where he couldn't do it himself. That wasn't something he had at his disposal anymore. It was gone. And if Harry was never left alone to pick up the pieces before, then how could anyone expect him to do it successfully now?

* * *

Zayn spent most of the day sleeping but he was fully awakened when Rod had him speak into the phone. Hearing Harry's voice gave him a calming feeling. He missed him and he missed his children very much.

Rod had just hung up after his phone call with Harry and faced Zayn.

"Hmph? You think that means he loves you, don't you?"

"He does love me."

Rod laughed. "Please. A man like that could never truly love something like you."

"Why not?"

"He's Harry Styles. The filthy rich billionaire who can get any woman he pleases. That man has probably had more pussy in his lifetime than the amount of times he's fucked you. Not to mention his class of people is nowhere near yours. You're trash. Your kids aren't even your kids. They're someone else's children given to you. Because you can't even at least give Harry that. You basically only have what you have because of him."

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