Chapter 23

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Kirsten POV:

It's been about two months being here and living with Road Trip, and all in all it's been pretty fun. Crazy with all the shenanigans the boys get into on a daily basis, but very fun nonetheless. I've gotten to know each and every one of the boys pretty well too and they've all got really different personalities from each other. Jack is very soft spoken when alone, but put him with Brook or Sonny, and he's wild. Which I do like about him. Brooks very likable, and can be awkward sometimes, but he's funny and easy to talk to despite that. Sonny on the other hand is fairly new like me, but he fits in perfectly. He's quick witted and always up for a chat with whomever needs to talk or just... vent to him. Rye, who I met my first day here, is absolutely hilarious, adventurous, but also has a very sophisticated and articulate side. And last but not least, we have Andy. He's very professional. But I haven't really gotten to speak to him on the same level that I have the other boys. Don't get me wrong, he's very friendly and was very welcoming and kind to me, but something just seems off to me. I would like to ask, and to talk to him, but I don't want to overstep my bounds. He has me sharing his bathroom with him too, since it's more secluded than the other ones, and has a lock on the door. The other bathrooms in this house are either a half bath, or it's the one where Brook broke the lock on the door. I didn't ask and I don't think anyone else should if I'm being honest... Andy thought sharing with him would be most suitable because it's the most private for me so that nobody walks in on the only girl of the house. I had a spare room not too far away from his anyways, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He told me to come in anytime I need, which was very sweet and very trusting of him. I admired that side of him but was also confused by it to be 100% honest.

Tonight, though, I couldn't get to sleep. It was about 2 in the morning, and I was practically wide awake. A pounding headache, my clothes from the day prior still on making me become increasingly uncomfortable, and I could feel the bags under my eyes weighing me down. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes, and decided to try to sneak into Andy's room to get to the bathroom, doing my best to prepare not to wake him up. I took my shoes off and grabbed a T-shirt Ashton had snuck into my suitcase of his. I held it up to my face and breathed in his scent. I hadn't worn it since I found it, trying to wait for a moment when I felt that I really wanted him close to me. For some reason I still felt jet lagged. I don't know why. I was so far away from Ashton, so of course that got me down. Being so far from him... no. I can't think about this right now. I've gotta get into the bathroom and then get out as quickly as possible.

I tiptoe into the room, but... I hear wheezing. "Andy? Are you awake?" I turn the light on dim to find Andy struggling to breath. My eyes go wide, and I almost inaudibly hear him utter the word 'inhaler'. I look around the room and rush to his inhaler once I find it far away from his bed, and then sprint over to him throwing myself into a sitting position on his bed and putting his I haler up to his mouth. He quickly uses it and soon after, his breathing starts to become normal. "Holy shit, are you ok?! You scared the living hell out of me." I said once he seemed ok to speak.

"Yeah yeah. I'm sorry about that. I think our cleaning lady moved my stuff around when she came in. I usually keep it right here." He pointed to a little bedside table. "If you hadn't come in, I don't know what would have happened. Thank you." I nodded

"Yeah, I'm just glad you're ok." We lapsed into silence.

"Kirsten?" I looked to him with a questioning expression. "You can uh... you can get off of me now if you'd like." He chuckled a little. I looked down to see that instead of me sitting next to him quickly in the heat of the moment, I was actually seated on his lap kinda uh... straddling him.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry I didn't realize-" I said quickly standing up and crossing my arms uncomfortably. I took my eyes off of him and looked down to the floor.

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