"Yes, I'm a virgin," I rushed. I did not want them checking for that.

"Check her."

I tried to squeeze my legs together, but the man was much stronger. He held my thighs open just long enough to check the status of my virginity. I had never felt more violated and naked in my entire life. I had had a man's finger in there before, but this was different.

"Pure," he stated. He wiped his finger off on a towel.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen," I choked out.

"Dry her off and send her to Kali."

He tossed the towel at me and grabbed another to put around my head. I instantly wrapped the towel around myself and clung to it. I was shocked that the man simply guided me out of the room and down the hall. I expected him to take the towel from me and humiliate me more. He had already shoved his finger in me so why the hell not go all out and have me suffer a little more embarrassment?

"Where am I?" I tried to ask.


"Auction?" I whispered. I tried to hold back the tears, but I was never good at concealing my emotions. I was terrified and it showed.

"That's what I said."

"What's being sold?"


Me? Who the hell would want to buy me? I would be useless as a slave. Someone would waste money on me.

"But you can't! That's not even legal!" I protested.

He laughed, "You have no idea, do you?"

"My family will look for me. They'll bring this entire thing down."

"Sweetheart, your family thinks you ran away."

I shook my head, "They wouldn't believe that."

"They believed it. You called them yourself."

What? I had no idea what he was talking about.

"We start with the royals and if none of them want you, we work you down from there."

"This is insane."

He didn't say another word as he led me to another room and pushed the door open. He sat me in a chair and took the towels from me. Sure enough, my hair was a knotted mess at my sides. I tried again to cover myself with my hair and it actually seemed to work a little better.

"Kali, you have another."

An exotic looking woman made her appearance with a silver cart in tow. She stopped it in front of me and grimaced.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't put their hair in a damn towel!"

The man rolled his eyes and went to sit in the corner while the woman faced me.

"No crying. I hate runny mascara,"she warned.

I couldn't make any promises, but I didn't want to anger anyone here. If I had any hope of escape, it was between the time I would be sold and transported. I had to make these people believe I was docile and innocent enough to be trusted.

She started with my hair; she worked some product into it, but never put heat on it. She moved onto my face and applied more makeup than I ever wore. I couldn't see myself, but I felt like I was made up to resemble a cheap hooker.

"Put this on." She pulled a small piece of black fabric out of the silver drawer and tossed it on my lap.

I held it up to see it kind of looked like a dress but with half the fabric. I wasn't some holier-than-thou Christian, but I was definitely more on the conservative side. I didn't want to be paraded around this way, but I didn't have a choice in the matter. It was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not so I might as well go quietly.

The dress barely covered my chest and clung to my hips like a second skin. I tried to cover my legs, but with every move the dress rode up.

"Let's go. You're up," the man said.

He tugged me out of the room and further down the hall to a set of giant black doors.

"No crying, no spitting, no fighting, and no talking. Do you understand?"

I nodded weakly.


He pulled the door open to reveal a room full of men sitting in plush chairs close to a small stage. Each man I saw was dressed in an expensive looking suit. I wanted to avoid any and all attention so I glued my eyes to the floor and tried to keep my dress from riding up.

The man tugged me on stage and faced me towards the crowd. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him step to the back of the stage, but I felt him watching me carefully.

"Item six on tonight's agenda," a woman said. "American, eighteen, blonde hair, green eyes. Healthy and a virgin. The bidding will start at fifty thousand U.S. dollars."

"Fifty," a gruff, male voice called out.

I couldn't believe these people were actually bidding on me. I wanted to do everything I was told not to do, but my only chance of escape was if I was sold. Once outside, I would be able to run. In here, I had no idea where an exit would be and I was sure if I was caught punishment would be severe.

"Sixty," another said.


"One hundred."

I barely glanced up to see who would be stupid enough to pay one hundred thousand dollars for a person. I was shocked to see a man that was far beyond any man I had ever seen. I sincerely doubted he needed to pay for any woman so why the hell was he here?

"Two hundred thousand," the first man said.

He looked a little older, less attractive but not awful. He was clearly wealthy, but I wasn't fooled. Both men were here for a reason and it didn't seem like their first time either.




"Is your father really going to let you spend that much on one little girl?" the older man taunted.

"Mind your business, Ahmad."

The older man chuckled and stood.

"Five million. I won't pay a penny more for her."

"Your Highness?" the woman prompted the younger man.

I felt every pair of eyes in the room zone in on me. I was never comfortable with attention and being half naked, scared, and price-tagged didn't make it any easier.

"Six million. That's my final offer."

"Caliph?" the woman asked.

He scoffed, "I hope for your sake, Liam, that she is made of gold."

"Do you wish to purchase another, Your Highness?" the woman asked Liam.

"No. Just her tonight."

"Go," the woman whispered.

I balled my fists together but did as I was told.

"Take this off."

My eyes shot to him. If he thought for one second that I was going to strip down again, he was mistaken.

When I noticed he wasn't looking at me, I glanced down at my chains. Oh, God. He was talking about the chains, not my clothes. His blood red eyes met mine for a moment, a hint of a smirk lingered on his lips.

My eyes scrunched together in confusion. How the hell were his eyes red? Why would anyone wear contacts that?

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