Chapter 12: CPS

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The next Mary went to school. Eden and John were at home. John hadn't gone to school or work. He told his boss about what was going on, he let him on paid leave. Some buzzed, John knew immediately who it was, CPS. Sure enough he let them in. Also with them was John's lawyer. He invited them in and they all sat in the living room.

"We went to your fathers house, he denied everything that has happened. The house though is a unlivable environment" said one worker.

"We have not been able to locate your mother. No seems to know where she went" said the other worker.

"Not suprising, I knew it was only a matter of time" said John, "My denies it, so what can you do?"

"We need proof, proof from Mary" said one worker.

"I have pictures" said John he pulled out his phone, found the pictures and passed it to the workers.

They looked shocked, but kept a straight face.

"May I send them to my computer for evidence?" asked a worker.

"Yes absolutly" said John.

"You must be Eden" said John's lawyer shaking Eden's hand.

"Yes I am" said Eden.

"From our understanding Eden, you left about 7 years ago. Is that correct?" asked CPS worker.

"Yes, thats right" replied Eden.

"Why?" asked the CPS worker.

"I didn't want to be around it anymore, but I didn't really get it at the age of 18, I thought leaving and cutting them out of my life, would make everything better, at least for me. I never really thought about John or Mary" said Eden, "But I am now trying to change that, I want to fix what I broke. I want to help John, I want to make Mary's life different. I don't want her to have the same life I had and have. I want her to have a good one."

"Why didn't either of you let anyone know about this?" asked another one of the workers.

"To tell you the truth. It was always just word arguements when I was there. They were bad, but it was never physical. When I was back for a month, it was bad, but like I said not phyiscal. I had to leave, my father forced me to. I though I would be helping Mary, because the fights we had were so bad. To me it was just life. It was how I grew up. I never knew how bad it got over the last year, after I left. I didn't know how bad the arguements got. I didn't know it was getting physical. I truly never thought he would Mary, but I was wrong" said John.

John's lawyer nodded in approval.

"We understand that, things are confusing then. When you grow up seeing that, it just seems normal. Can you tell us what the arguements were about?" asked the CPS worker.

"Well when I was there, they weren't all the time, but pretty often. They were about stupid things. Not getting gas in the car. Dinner being late. Laundry not done. Us miss behaving. I hate to say it, but a lot about Mary. I don't thing Mary ever realized that though, and she won't ever know that" said Eden.

"When I was there, they were bad but not really. Same things basically, but they were more frequent. A lot of times about my dad not being around. Then my dad would say how my mom didn't do anything. About money. Anything really. With me, it was about my choices in life. Going to college for one. My major. My job. My friends. Basically everything about me. I guess he didn't really want a son" said John.

"He was always the hardest on you even at a young age" said Eden.

"Thanks you two, you both have been a lot of help" said a worker.

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