16: fam

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It's been a few minutes after Jimmy posted that, Y/n. Was sitting on the floor crying happily. She loved him too, she thought. She's known him for a few weeks, and they were the best few weeks of her life-time. 

Then she heard the downstairs door open, she stood up and dashed to the downstairs front room. It was Jimmy, and her parents. That's when Y/n started having a panic attack. She moved away from her parents cause' they were physically abusing her, and now they're here to do it again. Jimmy didn't know cause' Y/n was too scared to tell him.

She regretted not telling him. Y/n glared at her two parents, who looked a little like Y/n. Her father was smirking, and her mother was grinning. That's when Y/n actually broke down, and started crying like a crybaby. Jimmy didn't notice as he was too busy with her parents- but Chris was there and comforted her.

They went to the upstairs living room, so Y/n could tell him what happen. "They use to harm me, when I didn't do anything right. Like, if I accidentally made dinner at the wron-" She was explaining but then Chris interrupted. "YOU made dinner!?" She nodded, then started laughing. 

"It's so funny how I could be crying from joy, but now crying from bad memories." She spoke, while giggling like a lil anime school girl. Chris hugged her while she cried, and laugh a little.

After a few minutes of Chris comforting her, Jimmy yelled for Y/n to come downstairs.

She decided to be a brave human, and go downstairs. Her eyes were a little red, and her nose was bright red from crying so much. Her eyelashes looked wet, and her cheeks were still wet.

"Yes Jimmy?" She questioned, that's when Jimmy smiled and grabbed her hand. 

Did he not notice her crying?

"Jimmy!" Y/n yelled. He turned around and looked confused as heck. "Yeah?" He asked her, that's when he noticed her face. 

"Oh my gosh! What happened!?" He questioned her, and held up her hand while looking into her beautiful e/c eyes.

She then thinks that she shouldn't tell him, all it would do is stress him out and feel bad. " I was crying cause' of what you did on twitter." Jimmy smiles at her, which warms her heart and she automatically felt better.

"Oh, uh. Can you be in the room while I see my parents?" Y/n nervously asks.

Jimmy nods and grabs Y/n's small/medium/big hand and they walk together into the kitchen. Her parents immediately look over at Y/n, and look at their hands intertwined together. They both looked disgusted. Of course, Y/n, and Jimmy didn't notice. "Hello my beautiful daughter, Y/n" the way her mom said her name. It was like she despised her. Y/n awkwardly smiles, and waves. Then her mom walked over, and harshly snatched the h/c head away from slim Jim.

Jimmy looked over at her, and she just shrugged. Before she could see Jimmy's response. She got attacked by hugs by both of her parents. Which was a new feelings, her parents never did this before. "What!?" she screamed, as this never happened. Jimmy was confused, as shouldn't her parents do this to her at home sometimes? Y/n froze, and then laughed it off and hugged them back.

"Hello sweetheart, you've grown so much!" Her father 'sweetly' tells her. Y/n 'smiles' at him. "Thank you father- or dad. You've shrunken, probably cause' ya' old. Right?" She laughs. 

Her father seemed displeased with what she said, but since Jimmy was there. He faked his laugh and smacked her back aggressively. Y/n face did show a brief sign of pain, but no one was paying attention to her face. 

Her mother smiled, "Well we should all go to dinner! It's on me" She insisted.

Everyone agreed. "Can Chris and Katy come along?!" Y/n shouts quickly, panicking really. She looked at her mom's face to show her being angry. She shrugs it off, as she usually saw that face in her nightmares. 

"Sure! Where are we going?" Jimmy asks, then pulls out his phone to text Chris. 

"How about (restaurant name that you hate)? I love that place!' Her father suggests, knowing Y/n was grossed out by that place. Jimmy agreed and continued to text Chris.

'Welcome back fam.'


AHh, hoped u like. i've been writing this for two days hahahahahhahha <3 ok ily 

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