03: cutie

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"Yes, I'm ready!" I say, enthusiastically.

He just smiles, and starts the video. I giggle while he's talking. Jimmy looks over and he smiles, which is bigger than his usual smiles.

"This is Y/n! She's my girlfriend-" I blush.
"Just kidding! She's my bestfriend, or just friend." He jokes, which makes me sad. I don't show it though. I mean, I don't like him?

He talks more anytime it's time to get into the slime. "Ladies first!" He says, politely. I didn't wanna go first though, as the wate- slime. Looked disgusting. "Bitches last!" I say. and jump, or slowly jump.. Not really jump. Into the slime. I tense up, trying to warm myself

Everyone laughed and, then it was Jimmy"/ turn.
"If we don't stay in for 24 hours, I will give you $100,000." He speaks, or bets Jake. Jake smirks, hoping Mr Jimmy boy will get out.
I would too if I was him.. Who doesn't want that much money?

"Get in already.." I whisper to myself.
As if he heard me. He slowly climbs in, and immediately gets a disgusted face.
Of course when I got in, it felt nice, until I hit the slime underneath all the water. Which was gross. I'm honestly use to the cold, unless its like, really cold.

"Good luck guys!" Someone says.

I cling onto Jimmy as a source of heat, of course Jimmy is in a car. So Jimmy and I are both on this titanic seat. This is on the video, but hopefully no one will think I like Slim Jim. The water is freezing.

We talk, about a lot, get rid of the stupid chair. Make fun of people, and finally food time!
"We got some sushi!" Chris says. He walks in with a big platter.

"Will I have to poop before the 24 hours is up?" Jimmy questions.

I laugh, and then everyone goes and eats sushi. Of course, we can't. Since we're in a slime pool for 24 hours straight. We eventually devour the sushi though.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" we scream, and i hold up rock. while jimmy holds up scissors, but quickly tries to hold up paper.

" hey! no! i won, fair and square!" i laugh, falling on him.

he sighs playfully, and crosses his arms. like a little baby. cute.

of course it's been difficult to not look at him, because theres cameras, andddd Jake! it's like he's air! he's everywhereee.

i start to shiver, when i feel as if my skin is frozen. i go to jimmy and hug him tightly. my cheeks turn a light pink, but it's noticeable. i wiggle my head to his neck, i can hear him breathe. so peaceful. he hugs back, and i fall asleep like this.

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