"Oh shit!" I shouted.


"I leave the Math textbook at home. You have it? I wanted to study that subject.."

"Oh. Don't worry, I have it."

"Ok good."

"We will study Math first then."

"Can you teach me?"

"Of course!"

Then the time passes really quickly.

It is already 1:08am.

When I turn to look at Sehun, he is lying his head on the table, sleeping soundly. He must be tired from teaching me. Then I touch his head. I continued to study after that.

After a while, Sehun is trembling.

"Don't leave me!" he said.

When I touch him, his body is cold. I went to his room to take his blanket and covered him.

Then he wakes up, "What happened?"

"You were sleeping."

"I know. I mean what's with the blanket?"

"You were trembling, then when I touch you, your body is cold."

"I had a dream."


"That you will leave me."

"No wonder I heard you shouting don't leave me. I won't leave you."

He got emotional and held my hands," sure?"


"Ok." then his stomach rumbles.

"You are hungry?"


"What do you want to eat?"


"It's not nutritious. I will see what is available in the fridge!"


In the end, I did not cook. Instead we went to EXO's dorm to eat. There is not a single ingredient in his fridge, then I remembered him living in his dorm now.

When we reached their dorm,

D.O cooked spaghetti for us,

"It's very fattening to eat noodles this late at night!" I said.

"It's okay! You are so skinny!" D.O said.

"Me? Skinny. Did you see these are fats?!" I pinched my cheeks.

"That's called cute." then Sehun pinched the other side of my cheeks.

"Woooo ~" the other members went.

"Shhhh." Sehun replied.

"Eat your noodles before it gets cold." Kai said.

"Ok." Sehun and I answered.

The spaghetti is so tasty.

"Hyung, you can open a restaurant when you retire!" Sehun said.

"Yea!" I shouted.

"Maybe I will." he replied.

We finished and we went back to Sehun's house. I pack my study materials.

"The time went so fast..." Sehun said.


Sehun walks me home, he gave me a goodnight kiss.

"Sleep tight and dream of me!" Sehun says.

"I won't."

"Don't be like this..." he pouts.

"Ok. Good night to you too! See you later!"

"Ok. Byebye."


I look at his back view until it disappeared then I went into the house.

1 week later.

Our exams start today. The first paper is English, tomorrow is Korean which I am exempted from.

I have been going to Sehun's house to study almost everyday since last week. Thanks to him, my Math improve.

As the time passes, the exam finished. I visited Sehun house again.

"Finally!Exams over!" Sehun said as he lean against the sofa.

"Yea! Finally we can rest. And all thanks to you, my Math improve!"

"Of course! Do I get any reward?"

"Errm... a treat?"

"A treat what?" then he move his body towards me. I got frightened and move back until the end of the sofa.

He looks at me with intense eyes.

"Err..." he puts a finger on my lips.

"For the next moment, we should just enjoy it!" after finish saying that, he kisses me.

The kiss went for quite a while, then both of us gasp for air.

"This is the treat!" he said.

"What? Just like that?" I asks.

"If not what?"

"I expected you saying you wanted to go eat."

"Oh. We can do it anytime."


Next day in school, we get back our papers.

Sehun did very well as usual. As for me, I improved and am in the second place again.

(A/N: Sorry for the late update! Please continue to vote please! :) Thank you!)

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