Some news (AN)

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Hey there everyone! I'm sorry for not updating for so long, but I need to get something off my chest.

I love writing and knowing that people enjoy my work, especially this one. How Many Times is my first ever fanfiction and I'm so happy that so many people love it and want more of it, but there's a big problem.

I want to keep writing this book, I want to finish it, but I have lost a lot of determination to write it. Especially with the other works I'm doing now.

I pains me just as much, if not more, as all of you for me to say that I won't be finishing this book. But, if one of you would like to, I am willing to give this book to someone who will finish it.

I should say that one of my reasons for stopping myself from writing this book is because the game is way to long, I honestly thought I would be able to finish it.

I truly don't want to see this book unfinished or gone for no one else to read. So, is anyone is willing to take over, you can DM me and we can talk.

Again, I'm so vary sorry about this, I hope you all have a good day.

How Many Times (Cancelled)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant