Chap 5: Finally Getting to School

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You three had made it back to where you met Ryuji. All of you were panting from exhaustion. "Did we make it...?" Ryuji asked. "I think so..." You responded. "You have returned to the real world. Welcome back." A voice came from yours and Akira's phones. "Huh? Returned...? ...Dose that mean we got away?" Ryuji asked. "Probably." Akira said. "I donno what to think anymore..." Ryuji said. "What was all that any ways...? That Castle, and Kamoshida, and that weird cat! The hell's goin' on, man!?" "Didn't he say he's not a cat, though?" You said. Just then, two officers came up. "What's with the yelling? Are you students of Shujin?" The policeman said. "Cutting classes, are we?" "Huh? No!" Ryuji said. "We were tryin' to get to school, and we ended up at this weird Castle!" "...What?" The policeman said. "Hand over your bag, you better not be doing any drugs." 'Guess it's up to me to fix this.' You thought. "I'm so sorry, officer. But my friend here hallucinates when he gets too stressed, and he gets stressed very easily over little things." You lied. Akira and Ryuji looked at you with suspicious looks. "He kept running all over the place, so we had to run after him to drag him all the way to school. We didn't realize how late it had gotten. We'll be leaving now." You finished grabbing the two boys wrist's, and started dragging them to the school. Once you were far enough away, the blond spoke. "Why the hell did you say that!?" Ryuji asked. "Reality 101, dumbass: no one is going to believe any Supernatural shit you say." You answered.

12:38 pm

You, Akira and Ryuji took the route the three of you had used when trying to get to school earlier. "Is this for real...?" Ryuji asked. All three of you were shocked to see the school standing there instead of the castle. "I'm sure we came the same way... What's goin' on here...?" "That's exactly what I wanted to ask you." A man, that what looks to be the counselor, said. "We received a call from the police." "That damn cop snitched on us!" Ryuji said in annoyance. "It's rare not to see you alone. Where were you roaming around until this time?" The counselor asked. "Uhh... a ca-- a castle?" Ryuji asked more than stated. "So, you have no intention of giving an honest answer?" The counselor said. "What's this about a 'castle'?" A familiar voice said. Kamoshida walked up. You snarled a bit, while Ryuji's face was full of disgust. "Kamoshida!?" Ryuji yelled. "You seem so care free, Sakamoto." said Kamoshida. "Quite a differnce from when you did morning practice for the track team." "Shuddup! It's your fault that--" Ryuji was cut off by The Counselor. "How dare you speak that way to Mr. Kamoshida! ...There's not much leeway left for you, you know?" "He's the one that provoked me!" Ryuji said. "Do you really want to be expelled!? In any case, you'll have to explain yourself! Follow me!" The counselor said. "What!? This is bullshit!" Ryuji yelled. "Come now. I should have been more considerate, too. Let's just say that we were both to blame." said Kamoshida. "Well, if you say so..." The counselor agreed. "Still, you're coming with me. It's undeniable that you're extremely late." "Fine..." Ryuji agreed, reluctantly. "By the way... you're the new transfer students, correct? Akira Kurusu and Alena Bloodmore..." Kamoshida asked. Ryuji went up to the counselor the nut before shooting a glare to Kamoshida. "...Have we met somewhere?" Kamoshida asked. "You introduce yourself to me when I was finalizing my transfer on April 7th." You said. "And we saw a girl in your car." Akira added on. "That's right... I remember now." Kamoshida said. "...Well, I'll look over this just for today. I'm sure you've heard from the principal, but cause any trouble and you'll be expelled. Understood?" "If I'm expelled, it will be for the second time." Akira said. You snorted a bit from Akira's response, finding it funny. Kamoshida raise an eyebrow at him, then continued. "At any rate, hurry up and go to the faculty office. I'm sure Ms. Kawakami's tired of waiting." He turned to walk back inside, who turned his head back to face both of you. "If you need help with anything, Bloodmore, come talk to me. And good luck trying to enjoy your new school life, Kurusu." After that he walked back inside. "I am SO not convinced he's a good person after seeing that Castle..." You muttered. "Come on, Ms. Kawakami's been waiting enough." Akira said. "Yeah..." You responded, walking up the steps. Once you too got inside, some of the students started staring at you. "We need to go to the faculty office..." Akira murmured to himself, but you still heard him. "I think I know where it is. I explored the school a bit before heading home when I was finalizing my transfer." you said. "Really...?" Akira asked you. "Yep, let's go!" You and Akira walked up the stairs to get to the second floor. On the way, you over heard two students talking. "They really allow criminals into high school? I don't want to go to school with someone like that." "Is he still called a criminal if he's underage? I guess all that matters is that he's dangerous. He was convicted of assault, right? A guy like that has to be really scary-looking." "The school should kick him out already. It sounds like he's a time bomb just waiting to go off." A criminal...? Assault...?
You and Akira walked into the faculty office and walked up Ms. Kawakami. "*sigh* Unbelievable..." Ms. Kawakami said. "Being over half a day late on your first day...? Can you explain yourselves?" "We were in a castle." Akira said. You just gave him a look that said 'really'. "You can't be serious..." Ms. Kawakami said. "Will you pull yourself together? You were given fair warning yesterday. Bloodmore did he do anything to you?" "H-Huh? Oh! No, no. Actually, he helped me a bit." you said. Ms. Kawakami looked to Akira. "Is that right?" she asked. "Y-Yes ma'am." Akira said. "But more importantly..." She continued. "I heard that you two were caught along with that Sakamoto-kun?" " 'That' Sakamoto...?" Akira asked. "Don't get involved with him, okay? He's nothing but trouble." Ms. Kawakami said. "He wasn't like that when he was devoting his time to track and field though... Anyway. Break's almost over. Classes will end after fifth period today because of the subway accident. I'll have you two introduce yourselves once class resumes." Ms. Kawakami sat up off her seat. "Follow me." The three of you walked out of the room. You are almost at the classroom when Ms. Kawakami stop walking. "By the way, when you introduce yourself, Kurusu... be serious about it, even if you're lying to the class, okay? Do NOT say anything unnecessary." Akira nodded and you continued walking. Two girls passed by you in the hall. You overheard them. "...You think that's them?" The first girl asked. "Huh? The one's in the rumors...?" The second girl said. There's already rumors about you?
You and Akira stood at the front of the class. You and Akira could hear the other students talking about you two. "Being super late on his first day? He really is insane..." You heard a male student say. "He looks normal though." You heard a female student say. "But he might slug us if we look him in the eye..." You heard another one of the male students say. "Settle down." Ms. Kawakami said. "...Well, I'd like to introduce two transfer students: Akira kurusu and Alena Bloodmore. Today, we... had them attend from the afternoon on since they weren't feeling well. All right, please say something to the class." "Nice to meet you." The frizzy haired boy said next to you. "He seems quiet... but I bet when he loses it..." you heard a female student say. "I mean, he was arrested for assault, right?" So Akira was the one those two students were talking about. You'll need to ask him about it later. You introduced yourself before anyone started talking again. "I'm glad I could be here. I apologize in advance if I accidentally offend anyone, I'm still getting used to Japanese customs." you said. "So she IS the transfer from overseas... Damn she's hot..." You heard one of the male students say. "You think she's got a boyfriend...?" Another male student said. "I hope not... I wonder if she'll say yes to a date.." Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance at the comments. "...Uhh, so..." Ms. Kawakami trailed off. "Your seats will be... Hmm... Over there. The two that are open. Sorry, but can the people nearby please share your text books with them for the day?" "This sucks..." You heard a female student say. You and Akira walked over to your seats but stopped, hearing a girl. "..Liers." "huh?" you and Akira looked at the girl. She just looked out the window. You and Akira got to your seat's. Akira was behind the girl, and you were behind him. "...Did you catch that? Do those two know each other? Does that mean he hit on her before transferring here?" You overheard a conversation between two female students. "That means she's cheating on him with Mr. Kamoshida. Then again, this is Takamaki-san we're talking about..." "For real. That side of your room is totally awful." Ms. Kawakami interrupted they're little conversation. "Oh, right! The volleyball rallies in two days... Everyone's just changed classes, so make sure you use that time to get to know each other. Well then, let's get class started. Who's on duty today?" A boy with blackish-blue hair and bandages stood up. "Everyone, please rise..."

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