Chap 4: Getting back and... a Cat?

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"What..." Sakamoto asked in all the confusion. You and Akira just noticed your clothes had changed. "What was that just now...?" Sakamoto asked. "You little...!" 'Kamoshida' started, but Sakamoto slammed him to the ground. "You like that, you son of a bitch!?" Sakamoto said to the 'King'. "The key!" Akira yelled. "Y-You mean this?" Sakamoto asked, picking up the set of keys that were lying on the ground. "No, he means chicken-- YES, he means the key's!" You said to the blond. You three ran out of the cell and locked it. "Okay, it's locked." Sakamoto said. "Damn you..!" The 'King' yelled at you three. "Hey... What was that just now...?" Sakamoto ask you two. "And... your clothes...!" Out of the blue, yours and Akira changed back to your normal clothes. "Whoa, it went back to normal...?" 'Kamoshida' rattled the bars, startling all three of you. "You bastards!" The 'King' yelled. "God, this is effin' nut's...!" Sakamoto said. "Anyways let's scram! You two lead the way!" "Kay!" You said. Akira just nodded. Sakamoto through the keys into the river that, for some reason, was running through the room. You three started to run away. "Goddamn thieves...!" The 'King' said. "Affter them! Don't let them escape!"

"Y-You bastards! You think you can get away with doing this to me!" 'Kamoshida' said from the cell. "I don't give a shit! I ain't down for any of this!" Sakamoto yelled back. "C'mon, let's get outta here!" "Negative feces Detective!" You said to Sakamoto. You three ran to end of the hall to find it had blocked off by bars. Akira tryed the door. "Shit, it's locked." Sakamoto said. You pointed to the broken bridge that was next to you. "We can jump across this, y'know." You said to the boys. "Oh..." Sakamoto said. Akira face-palmed as to how unobserved he was. All three of you jumped across and continued running to the next room. You jumped across a few metal cages that was stuck in the river. "C'mon! it's not that hard." you said to the boys, who were so jumping across. "Have you done something like this before?" Sakamoto asked. "No, but I do watch a lot of anime." you responded. "That doesn't answer my question." Sakamoto said. All of you continued running to the end of the hall. "Dammit, another dead end!?" Sakamoto yelled. "What do we do!?" Akira had a finger on his chin, thinking. 'Wait, have I..... Been here be for...?'  You asked yourself. You look to your right to find an open cell and walked in. You looked closely at the cell. There! "Guys! I found a tunnel we can crawl through!" You said. "Wait, really!?" Sakamoto asked with a surprised look on his face. Akira also looked surprised. Sakamoto and Akira walk into the cell. "Ladies first...?" Sakamoto asked. "Nu-uh, one of you is going to look up my skirt. Whether it's on purpose or by accident." You responded back. Akira sighed and went through. You nodded your headed towards the tunnel, trying to tell the blonde to go next. Sakamoto started crawling as well. "Crap! My bag's stuck!" The blond said. "Hurry it up, dammit." You muttered to the boy. You finally crawled out to the other side and was met with an impatient, black haired boy tapping his foot. "Okay, I get it, we took too long. Now let's go!" Sakamoto said. Akira just rolled his eyes then ran out of the cage, signaling for you to follow. You three ran across the bridge that was right outside of the cell. "Is this... A drawbridge?" Sakamoto asked. "What else would it be?" You responded back. Once you had made it to the end of the walkway on the other side, Sakamoto yelled at you two. "Hey, we gotta hide!" You look to your right and found some barrels and crates, so you three head behind them. Just then two guards came running out from the other side. 'They're looking for us, aren't they?' You thought to yourself. "What else did you expect after cousin such a flashy scene?" You whipped your head around to try and find where that voice is coming from. "Only you can hear me." The Voice said again. "Hey, you okay?" Akira asked you. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry." You responded. "I ain't playin' along with this anymore! We gotta find a way outta this goddamn place!" Sakamoto said. You and Akira nodded in response. You three stood up and went through the doorway that was right beside you. "Oh, hooray. Stairs." You said in a sarcastic tone. You get winded easily going up stairs. "C'mon, let's go!" Sakamoto yelled to you. "Fine, fine. I'm coming." You responded. You started to run up the stairs with the boys. Once you made it to the top, it felt like you were literally dying. "And who was the one lecturing us when we were jumping across those crates?" Sakamoto said in mocking tone. "S-Shuddup... *huff* *puff* I get... winded... easily going... up... stairs..." You said, leaning on the wall, bent over. Trying to catch your breath. "Anyway, let's get out of here." Sakamoto said. Akira just sweat dropped and open the door. You two ran through with him. "Dude... You gotta be jokin'..." Sakamoto said. "Oh for fucks sake..." you said, clearly annoyed. "Let's go." Akira said, sounding determined. You three ran through a doorway. Sakamoto stop you for a second. "H-Hey... Look..." he said, pointing to a figure in one of the hanging cages. You and Akira have a look of shock. "We really did hear people screamin'... So we ain't the only ones who got capturd!" The blond boy said. "Is, uh... Is he okay...?" You asked. "We have to go, I'm sorry" Akira said. 

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