Forget This Ever Happened

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I heard the door to our room knock, I slowly opened my eyes. As I saw Dante running up to the door, as he opens it. “Good morning alpha, and Alex I know your awake so get up”. I groan and open my eyes as I saw both Jonna and Madison smile at me. I slowly got up from the couch, and I smiled at the girls.

“Morning ladies, did you sleep well?” I asked as the both giggled “We sure did since last night, you gave Jonna an ear scream and turn on” Madison smirked as I blushed and nodded at them. “Girls we all need to talk” Dante asks seriously. “We know what you’re going to say, so don’t worry we will keep this secret. Whatever happens stays in this room, I know our lips are sealed”. Madison explains and Dante nodded.

I nodded as I went to go get my bag full of clothes and I went to the bathroom to change. I put on my dark blue jeans, my white shirt, and black converse. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth then washed my face. I did my bathroom business, then I washed my hands. I put my pj’s away along with my toothbrush and toothpaste.

I walked out of the bathroom, and sat down on the couch. “I am ready you guys”. “Okay well how about breakfast also don’t forget the books, there on the table so uh you should put them in your backpack for safe keeping” Jonna explained I nodded and grabbed my backpack and I put the books away. “Alex, I think you should have some breakfast, want to join us” Madison asks.

I nodded “Yeah sure, thanks I’ll join you girls. Plus, I am hungry” I grabbed my two bags and went with the girls to the elevator. Madison press the main lobby. “I am sorry for last night Alex, you were the one getting hurt. But give it time, he will come around, he is lost without you. only a sacrifice can break him, that is your warning. He is pushing you away, and I don’t like it at all”. Madison explained.

“Uh Alex your always welcome to spend time with us, if you are uncomfortable around Dante” Jonna explains. I smiled at her and hugged her. “Thank you both, you are amazing girls I have ever met. Thank you for being my best friends”. I tell them as I smiled the elevator opens, and we went inside going to down to the lobby.

“I know Dante heard what we talked about, but I am scared he doesn’t want me.” Jonna hugged me “He is fighting his control, he feels something towards you. Just give him time”. Jonna explains as I sigh “What if he kicks me out of the pack, then what. I won’t be able to see you guys anymore”. I fall to the ground and cried. “He doesn’t feel anything towards me, even when we kissed. He felt nothing, and I hate that. I know he is only trying to protect me, but he can’t protect me forever”.

Madison hugged me as I hugged them closer to me, the door to the elevator opened. The girls helped me up from the ground, and walked me out to the lobby. “Don’t worry you can ride with us, or your dad. Either way you won’t have to be in the same car as Dante”. Jonna explained I sigh, and wiped my eyes with my hands. Madison grabbed Kleenex from her purse and hand it to me.

“Thank you, Madison you’re the best” Madison smiled at me. “Come on let’s get some breakfast, I’m starving” Jonna complained, I laugh because Jonna is funny. I know that she is only trying to cheer me up, and I like that about her. “Thank you. girls I appreciate it” the girls nodded and smiled at me, we both went to the dining hall to get breakfast.

There was a buffet so we served ourselves and sat down on the table in the corner. I had eaten my eggs, bacon, hash browns, sausages, toast, and pancakes. I didn’t eat all my breakfast but I ate half since I gotten a lot of food. I also drank orange juice, it gave me energy to wake up. I sigh even though I couldn’t forget what happened between Dante and I last night. To me it felt like he really feels the same way for me, but at the same time maybe he doesn’t.

I sigh, to be honest. I am glad I had a one-night stand with him, I trust him with my virginity. I wouldn’t let anyone touch me but him. Only Dante no one else, well except Jonna. But she is taken, and I am glad she is mated to Madison. That is the only thing that counts is their happiness, maybe with me and Dante this could be a sign that we weren’t meant to be together.

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