The Plan and Finding the Book

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The pack looked at me as if I was crazy, and they growled at me. “So, you are saying that you are willing to be the bait to the fearless vampire Sylar” Ryan asked surprised. “Yes, I am willing to do it” I said it with confidence in my voice.

I knew deep down Sylar still scared me after what he did to me, I don’t think I can face him. I heard Dante growl, I looked at him as his eyes were dark green. “No way in hell, I won’t put you as bait” I gasp “Wait why no?”

“NO!!!!!!” Dante, Tori, and Jonna yelled that one word to me as they were glaring at me. “And why not” I was pushing their limit and I was standing my ground. “I know I am just human, but you have Madison and she’s human”.

“She knows how to control her magic, and she knows what she’s doing. You on the other hand need a lot of training to do” Dante gave me a lecture. “Look Sylar only saw me once and vampires need to feed to survive, please let me help”.

“You want to help fine, then help by start training. Then we will talk about it, but for now you are staying” Dante ordered, I huff. Geez what went up his ass, I don’t get this guy. He was nice at first. Then the next thing you know he is such a grump, what did he do to get held on from getting laid.

Wait a minute? what about the book of the lost lovers. Whoever has the book, I so need to find it. Hopefully there should be a key to all the answers to everything. “Hey, you guys, listen I know we have a mission into finding and stopping Sylar, but I have my own mission to do”.

I told them seriously, as they looked at me with confusion in their faces. “Oh really, and what is your mission. Throwing yourself to the hunters?” Cristine sneered at me. “No, that isn’t my mission thank you by the way. My mission is to find the book, but I don’t know where to start looking”.

Everyone groan except for Jonna and Madison. “Alex, little brother you won’t find the book anywhere, besides you can look for it at the book store or the library. It has all the answers your looking for”. Then it hit me there was a question I’ve been meaning to ask Tori, I looked at her and smirked.

“Tori, dearest sister. How did you find out about dad and Amanda being hunters?” Tori looked at me surprised “Alex, why did you ask me that question”. I sigh “because I need to know what you know, did you accidently eves dropped or did Amanda or dad told you. Please I need to know”.

Tori sigh “I eves dropped on them. Also Amanda wanted us to know, but dad didn’t want us to know. That it’s better this way, that we be safe. I went to the basement to find one of mom’s old boxes, I was looking for mom’s favorite book. The one she would read to us when we were children, then Amanda scared the crap out of me. I didn’t hear her or see her it was weird, and that’s when she bluntly told me the truth”.

I was surprised really, I didn’t know Amanda told Tori the truth and why. “Why did she tell you the truth?” Tori sigh “She wanted me to be prepared, she told me that all monsters need to die”. I nodded in understanding.

“There’s more Alex” Tori was hesitating I looked at her seriously “She said that there is a powerful abomination that needs to be eliminated, that can destroy monsters such as demons. She was smirking at me in a creepy way, also the weirdest part is that her eyes turned black as night. I only nodded and left the basement”.

“So, there is a powerful creature and our stepmother is an evil hunter, but why did she tell you this” Tori shrugged I knew she didn’t know the answers, so I sigh. Wait what book was Tori looking for that mom read to us when we were children?

“Wait, you said that you were looking in the basement for mom’s favorite book. What book was it?” I ask out of confusion. “I remember the book was warn and an old brown book, I remember you would cry every time mom would read it”.

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