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Brandon slipped out of the window, balancing on the narrow ledge on his tiptoes. He glanced down, frowning less at the height than the group of zombies clustering below, reaching up at him with crimson hands.

"This certainly ranks up there with the worst ideas I've ever had," he muttered, and took a deep breath before reaching up to the third floor ledge. He closed his eyes for a moment and focused, drowning out the groans of the dead peanut gallery waiting for him to fall into their mouths.

With a groan, he pulled himself up, bracing an ankle up on the ledge and vaulting up to get a better grip on the windowsill. He let out a deep breath as he got to his feet, peering in the window to an empty classroom.

"He's up," Candace's voice floated up from the second floor window, reporting back to the others.

Brandon noted the closed classroom door, and then pulled out his retractable baton, reeling back and punching it into the window, still holding the frame tightly. He ducked as low as he could go on the ledge, bracing himself in case of a surprise corpse, but there was no response outside of the excited zombies in the quad below.

He hopped through the window and then poked his head back out to give Matt a thumbs up, the boy staring up expectantly at him from the second floor. Brandon drew his handgun and swept the room, walking silently to the door. He cracked the door and peeked out, then opened it a little more, straining his ears. There was nothing.

He left the door open behind him in case he needed a quick getaway, and moved quickly and quietly to the stairwell. It was empty, the zombies all having bustled out to cluster around the second floor classroom.

He paused at the sight of a wooden door jamb, and picked it up before heading down to the second floor. He opened the door as quietly as a mouse, and slid the little wedge underneath to open the stairwell door wide. He took a deep breath, taking in the pack of zombies still pressing up against the classroom door.

Brandon took a deep breath and then let out a piercing whistle. The horde shrieked and turned to him, taking in the sight of fresh meat briefly before tearing down the hallway towards him. He turned tail and barrelled up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and skidded out into the third floor hall, stopping just short of the classroom. He waited for the zombies to bustle into sight, snarling and snapping, and then dove into the classroom, slamming the door shut behind him. 


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