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Matt crossed his arms as he watched the quad from the classroom window, watching a pack of zombies suddenly leap up from a feast and take off in the same direction.

"I hope whoever spooked them can run fast," he muttered.

Candace rubbed his shoulder gently. "Hope whoever spooked them has a safe place to run to."

"Not sure there are really safe spaces left," Brandon replied with a sigh, turning away from the window. The quad had become a bloodbath, not a single patch of green grass left amidst all of the body parts.

"We're safe in here, aren't we?" Candace asked.

"Well, safe is relative," the Officer explained. "Sure, they can't get in, but we can't get out. And unless there is a mini-fridge hidden in a closet, there isn't a whole lot of food or water in here. Which means we're gonna have to move sooner rather than later."

"Move?" Jonas looked up from the Hearts game that Phoebe had started in the corner. "Are you crazy? We're safe in here. Let's just sit back, relax, and wait to be rescued."

Gwen rolled her eyes fanned herself with her cards. "Oh, that's cute, you think somebody is going to come rescue us."

"Why wouldn't they?" he replied, narrowing his eyes at her. "It's literally their job!"

"Why don't you ask SWAT boy over there if he thinks we're going to be rescued?" she asked, motioning to Brandon. "Pretty sure they don't send SWAT members out on their own, so unless he's playing hooky, it means the best and brightest Austin PD has to offer has already been wiped out."

Jonas' face drained of color, and he set his cards down on the table before turning to the window. "Come on, Shelton, she's just being dramatic." He swallowed hard. "Right?"

Brandon shook his head, avoiding the gazes of the students staring expectantly at him. "Sorry, but she's not. We lost contact with our Alpha team this morning, when they were dispatched to the Student Medical Center for a disturbance," he explained. "My team, at least the ones who weren't out with that sickness that's going around, showed up to investigate. In a matter of minutes, we went from four members to just me."

He turned back to the card game, lips set in a thin line.

Gwen laid the Queen of Spades down onto the pile in the center and pushed it towards him with a sly smile, batting her eyes at him. Jonas shoved his hand and the trick back into the center of the table in defeat, processing what the Officer had just said. Phoebe reluctantly collected the cards, shuffling them absently and avoiding eye contact.

"Can I check your hand?" Candace asked, approaching the table.

Kenny nodded and turned to her. "Sure, go for it."

She unwrapped the bandage they'd made out of Phoebe's cardigan, and he winced as the cotton stuck to the wound.

"Sorry," the blonde said gently, "I know this isn't comfortable."

He gritted his teeth. "Not your fault."

She recoiled at the sight of his wound and then wrapped it back up again quickly, tying the thin fabric back around his wrist.

"What is it?" Phoebe asked, worry lacing her tone.

"It's... it's nothing," Candace replied, shaking her head. "Just not used to wounds like that."

Kenny sighed. "Look, I know I'm fucked, you don't have to lie for my benefit."

"It's showing signs of infection," she said slowly. "It's not spreading to rapidly, but I can tell it's there."

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