Chapter 10

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The first chapter to my new story is up it's called Scandal 

Oh also Strong language and a tiny bit of smut  in this chapter

Brian's PoV

It was our last couple of days at Rockfield as our album had been released already. We had a free day today so Roger and i decided to go and have a look around the city.  We were walking down a street when Roger took my hand in his. "Rog, what are you doing?" i whisper shouted at him. "Bri, everybody knows now. We don't have to hide it. I mean we will still get hate but we don't need to hide." I guess he had a point. The world knew about us now so i suppose holding his hand in public wouldn't be too bad. We continued on, walking past different shops that sold all kinds of stuff. I saw a place that sold clogs but Roger told me i had enough and dragged me away from it. We walked past a group of people who laughed at us when they say us coming, I looked at Roger to see what we should do but he just smiled at me and squeezed my hand and continued walking. When we walked past them one of them shouted at us calling us fags. It hurt me quite a lot but i knew this was how it was going to be now.  It was what we had to deal with. Roger was determined to that the incident that we had with the group of people wouldn't ruin our day so he took me to all kinds of shops, even back to the clogs one and let me buy a pair. As we were walking out of the shop a women stopped us "Hey, are you guys from the band Queen" she started "wait oh my god you are! I love you both" she finished off. Roger smiled at her and i gave her a hello. "I saw your interview yesterday" she continued. "I thought it was brave of you guys and i support you both" i let go of Rogers hand and hugged our fan. I never thought anyone would be okay with us but it turns out we still have fans. After we hugged Roger also hugged and we said our goodbyes. She thanked us both and quickly walked away. "That was amazing! i never thought people would be so accepting" Roger beamed, taking back my hand. It was true, i never thought of anyone liking us either. 

We continued walking until we got home, no one was in as John was out with his girlfriend Veronica and god knows were Freddie was. "Hey Bri looks like we've got the house to ourselves" Roger laughed as we sat down on the sofa. "Hmm looks like it" i agreed. "What do you wanna do?" i asked him. "I'll show you" he laughed crawling up the sofa and lying on top of me. His face was right up next to mine and i could see every inch of it's perfection. I cupped his face with my hands and stared at him. "Your perfect" i whispered, he blushed and i couldn't resist it. I moved my head even closer to his and kissed him, he kissed me back so strongly that he made me sink into the sofa. My hands were tangled in his hair and i moved them down his back until i reached his waist. Roger started to unbutton my shirt and i laughed slightly at what we were doing. I helped him take off his and pulled it over his head. "Brian i love you so much he sighed" he sighed leaning back in to kiss me, his tongue hit mine and it felt like a whole other world so passionate and so long.

"Holy fuck boys!" 
Shit, it was  Freddie! i thought he was out! Roger scurried off of me and put his top back on as i started to button mines up. "Fred, i thought you were out!" Roger shouted while blushing. "No,no darling, i'm more of a night time partier." he laughed "How much did you see Fred?" i muttered trying to catch my breath. "Oh nothing much Bri, but i'll tell you what that was getting steamy!" he laughed. "Shut it Fred!" Roger deflected, standing up from the sofa and walking out the room. I'm glad Freddie walked in now or that conversation could have been a whole lot worse.....

I belong to you forever (Maylor)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें