Chapter 15

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Roger's PoV

I let go of Brian and we made our way downstairs. Freddie and John where already there sitting waiting for us. "I don't know about you guys but i'm starving" Deaky laughed while lightly blushing."Hmm me too" Bri added leaning into me slightly, he seemed pretty tired which is understandable with everything that happened today. "Alright food then how about a few drinks?" Freddie questioned while jumping up of off his seat and running to the phone hung up on the wall. "What you doing Fred?" i asked as he dialled a few numbers. "Well i'm getting some friends darling! If were going to have a party we need more than four people" he laughed 

Half an hour later

The four of us finished our food and by time it we put everything away it was time to start welcoming people. I didn't know half of the people that walked into our house but i guessed Freddie did because he was hugging and talking to everybody. Brian was being really clingy due to his tiredness. He was always holding on to me and wouldn't let anybody else near me, but once he had a few drinks he stopped being so dramatic and was back to his normal self. The house was packed with all these different people and it was hard to move to a different room. I hadn't seen Brian for a while so i went to go and look for him.
"Deaky have you seen Bri?" i yelled over the music. "Sorry Rog, i don't know where he is" he replied in between dance moves. I made my way through the crowds and into the the kitchen where i found Freddie. "Fred have you seen Bri anywhere?" i shouted to him. "Roger darling! how are you?" he was rather drunk and surrounded by a bunch of people. "Freddie have you seen Brian?" i asked again. "Ah yes, I've seen Bri he was heading upstairs" he slurred back at me. "Alright thanks Fred" i just knew Freddie was going to be in the worst mood in the morning. I ran up the stairs and along to our room where i found a very tired and half naked Brian on our bed. "Bri what are you doing?" i laughed making my way over to him, i sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his hair. "I was tired so i thought i would go up to bed but then taking my clothes off was really hard so i gave up" he slurred trying to keep his eyes open. "Alright my Brimi lets get you sorted" i told him. He slowly sat up on the bed and i helped me with taking the rest of his clothes off. I went over to our wardrobe and took out some shorts and a top for him to wear. I helped him put them on then lifted him into the bed. He slumped up against the pillow then moved himself to get comfortable. I pulled the covers over him and slowly made my way out of the room when i heard him shout me. "Rog wait" he called. I ran over to him to see what was wrong. "What is it Brian?" i asked "Come here" he waved towards his face. I leaned near him and he moved himself closer to me attempting to kiss me but instead he missed my mouth completely and i had slaver all over my face. "Thanks i guess" i laughed wiping my face with my sleeve. "I lovveee youuu Roger" he mumbled. "I love you too Bri " i replied walking out the room and closing the door behind me.

I belong to you forever (Maylor)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant