chapter 8: chakra control exercises and elemental manipulation.

Start from the beginning

"Gato can't be trusted. He's planning to betray you once you've killed the bridge builder and handed your body over to Kiri for your bounty. Afterwards he would kidnap and enslave haku by forcing his men to constantly rape and seduce her by force. I make you this offer. Surrender peacefully and help defeat gato or face me and my students from team 7 on the bridge and die. Rest assured. Your apprentice wouldn't last any longer than you would against me.

The susanoo of konoha.
PS. I now know where your hide out is. And I will be watching you and await your decision."
Naruto Then pulled out a kunai knife and wrapped The scroll tie around the handle and pinned it to the door he then knocked on the door and vanished back to the training field where his clones were training with his gennin team. He then made it back to them and said.
" Hey guys I'm back and I see that my clones already have you practicing your elements. What are they???." And Kiba said.
I have a wind element sasuke has a lightning element and sakura has...." Naruto then asked curiosily.
" What kind of element does sakura have???. What aren't you guys telling me???." They didn't say anything. So instead naruto dispelled his clones and received the memory of sakura demonstrating her chakra element and naruto's eyes widened and said.
" Sakura. We need to talk now!!!... ALONE." Sasuke and Kiba were now worried for sakura since the shadow clone obviously told naruto she has the wood release and was no wonder that naruto needed to talk with her Alone about it since his grandmother was supposed to be the last remaining senju clan member alive. Sasuke and Kiba went back to tazuna's house but not before naruto said in an emotionless voice.
" Sasuke. Kiba.. your not to tell kakashi the hokage or anyone from the council about Sakura having the mokuton bloodline. Or anyone else in the village for that matter. AM I CLEAR!!!." And Kiba and sasuke Said.
" Yes Sensei. We understand. Nobody else will ever know." And naruto said.
Good. And let's keep it that way for now until I figure out how to deal with this situation." Sasuke and Kiba then walked back to tazuna's house where dinner was being prepared by his daughter tsunami and kakashi asked.
Hey guys. Where is sakura and naruto???" And sasuke said.
" Sorry kakashi. But since your no longer OUR Sensei WE aren't at liberty to Tell you anything relevant to what their doing right now. Naruto sensei's orders. Top secret even from The hokage and village council." Now kakashi wasn't stupid. Far from it actually. But he knew from experience that when naruto ordered something top secret and made people swear to secrecy and keep it hidden from everyone...or you suffer from a low voltage fist of the thunder god.. a very VERY painful ninjutsu taijutsu hybrid techniqe. He shuddered at the thought of Kiba and sasuke being put through that. So dropping the subject he said.
" Okay guys. If Commander naruto has declared it top secret then I won't push the subject any further." Naruto and sakura Then walked through the door and sat down with everyone else at the table and began eating in silence. A little boy about 5 or 6 years old slammed his hands on the table. This boy was tazuna's grandson inari as he stood up and said.
" Why do you people try so hard to fight back!!??. We're All suffering from Gato!!!. Why don't you people just go back to your cozy and warm village?!?!. There's no such thing as heroes in wave country anymore!!!. Your all going to die. Nobody can defeat gato!!!." Now naruto was a very patient person. He could put up with a lot of people weather They be stubborn arrogant or rude. But when someone says that he doesn't know what suffering is. Well then this brat needs to learn some manners. The lights in the house began flickering on and off and lightning began to build up around naruto as kakashi said.
" Kid. You may want to take back that last statement you just made.... otherwise.. your Dead." And inari said.
" And why should I!?!. He obviously doesn't know what true suffering is!!!." The lightning around naruto was becoming more dangerous by The second and suddenly.(POP!!!.) (POP!!.POP!!!) (SMASH!!!). All the lights and power outlets were destroyed and the only thing that was seen lighting up the house was naruto as kakashi said with fear surrounding him and everyone else's body.
" That's why!!!. You have no idea what you have just awoken!!!. We're all dead now thanks to you!!!." Tazuna Then asked.
Kakashi. What The hell is that kid!!??.and what do you mean we're all dead??!!" And kakashi said.
" The Storm God has just made himself known!!!. It's susanoo!!!." Wind and water chakra Then began swirling around naruto as he picked up inari and said.
" You want to know suffering!!!. I'll make you see what true suffering is. You.. me..6:00 am!!!. I'm going to put you through the most hellish training of your life until you have learned some respect!!!. Fail to do so and I'll grab you and drag you out myself!!!. Just ask my gennin team!!!. You just volunteered yourself for the Boot camp from hell. May Kami be with you. Recruit inari."  Inari just gulped in fear as naruto then threw him to The floor and walked away and out of the house before he accidentally destroyed it. Tazuna and tsunami Then asked.
What's the Boot camp from hell???. And why 6:00 am???." Kakashi then sighed and said.
Well let's just say that inari won't be able to to complain about suffering when Commander naruto gets done with him." And tazuna asked.
"Inari!!!. Look what you got yourself into!!!. I hope your satisfied with your self!!!." And inari said.
" He wasn't serious about dragging me out of bed at 6:00 am was he!!!. That's too early for anyone to wake up!!!." Sasuke Kiba and sakura said.
" Naruto Sensei never jokes around about stuff like that. Get ready to know true suffering kid. Because when Sensei is done with you... your going to WISH you had taken back that last statement of yours." (KABOOM!!!.) A very loud explosion was suddenly heard beyond the bridge in the forest and tazuna said.
" That's exactly what just happened. Remember when I said that the Storm God had just made himself known???. Welll. Naruto's the TRUE embodiment of the Storm God himself. Go see for yourself." Tazuna his family kakashi and the others got outside and when The got to The bridge what they saw on the other side amazed them well.. tazuna and his family at least. And let's just say that where there was once a large area of trees now stood nothing but naruto and a Mile long and wide clearing and it just kept getting bigger and bigger as naruto used his cyclone fists of the wind god susanoo strike destroying one tree after another as they heard him say to himself.
NOSED BRAT!!!. HOW DARE HE SAY I DON'T KNOW WHAT SUFFERING IS!!!. I'VE SUFFERED MORE THEN ANYONE ELSE IN KONOHA!!!." (BAM!!!. SMASH!!!." ) Two more trees were destroyed. Naruto Then continued saying.
" Everyone stay back!!!. Just let him finish venting his anger and the hurricane will disappear!!!." Naruto was then surrounded by a massive cyclone just like 2 years ago and had his face buried in his knees crying. Though the winds were howling and water and lightning were sparking out of control They could still here naruto crying saying.
Why Mom and Dad???. Why did you curse me with such a terrible burden???.why couldn't you have let someone else seal kyuubi away into me???. It's not fair!!!."

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