chapter 5:Time Skip- the wave mission naruto vs Gato's army

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A week had passed since the jounin Sensei team selections were announced and apparently team 7 kakashi hatake sasuke uchiha sakura haruno and Kiba Inuzuka were already in over their heads and had run into zabuza momochi demon of the hidden mist village. Kakashi was currently bed ridden for at least two weeks and was hardly teaching his team anything useful. Well let's just say that would all change once naruto appeared on his mystical summons Quetzalcoatl and demanded an explanation. And he wasn't going to go easy on Them either. Naruto was just about to leave The village when he saw The four other kage standing at the gate in front of him and naruto said.
" You know..I could kill All of you right here right now.. please move so I may Carry out my mission and save team useless from zabuza momochi and army of bandits." The raikage A Then stepped forward and said.
" You know. we initially came here to offer you one of our strongest woman each.. but from what I have heard.. your faster then The fourth hokage minato namikaze your own father. And even stronger then your mother Kushina uzumaki. What kind of skills aren't you showing anyone???. What are you hiding namikaze???." And Onoki said.
I agree with Lord raikage. It's impolite to keep secrets from others. Wouldn't you agree lady Mizukage???. Lord Kaze kage???." And naruto said.
Even at my lowest level of speed and strength I could still defeat All of you without breaking a sweat." Jiraia and tsunade then appeared and said.
" It's true Lord Tsuchikage. He practically hospitalized the third hokage for more then TWO MONTHS!!!. And you think any of The woman your offering to him could defeat him!!??. Hahaha. That's funny. Nobody can defeat naruto. He's practically a God!!!. Without those gravity seals on his body.. you'd All be dead within seconds. So i suggest you let him pass." And Mai terumi said.
" Well that's a shame. Because I was really looking forward to offering up my and an invitation to join hidden mists ranks as one of the new seven swordsman of Kiri~. If konoha doesn't work out for you that is." Tsunade Then stepped in and said.
" No way in hell you Kiri whore!!!. You may be the Mizukage but I'm his grandmother!!!. And jiraia is his god father!!!. So long as we live and breathe he's not going to be with any women like you!!!." The raikage A Then stepped up to naruto and said.
" Naruto sama. Allow me to introduce you to my surrogate daughter yugito nii.. she's a jinchuriki like yourself. She contains the two tails and is a highly respected jounin." And naruto said.
" So she holds The second weakest tailed beast of All nine tailed beasts???. I have no need to rely on the nine tails power. Any jinchuriki who constantly takes The easy way out by constantly using their tailed beasts chakra... would only risk killing themselves and others." Onoki Then stepped up to naruto and said.
" Then allow me to introduce you to my granddaughter kurotsuchi. She's is chuunin in rank and an engagement between the two of you would bring peace between our villages that your father once tried to obtain." And naruto said.
How powerful is she???. I will not be engaged to a weakling." And Onoki said.
" I can assure you she is far from weak naruto sama. But please you may think it over and take as much time as you need." Now naruto was half tempted to take Onoki up on his offer since this is The first Man Who has actually giving him time to think about his offer. The Kaze kage then bowed before naruto in respect and said.
" Greetings naruto sama. I am subaku rasa. And this is my lovely daughter temari. She's a very powerful kunoichi and has a strong wind element much like yourself. Your father and I were very close friends and I believe that you may be able to help my son gaara tame his tailed beast shukaku. Lady chio was the one who performed the sealing ritual while he was still in his mother's womb and as a result. My wife died because of my inability to take action against my own village council. Please consider my offer as she's fully agreed to it. You may talk it over with your family and simply send me a reply with your answer." Just then The leader of the hidden waterfall village higen shibuki arrived and said.
" Ah. I see that I'm not too late for this offering after all. Greetings naruto sama. My name is higen shibuki and leader of the hidden waterfall village and I'm here to forge an alliance with the hidden leaf village by way of political marriage between you and my surrogate daughter fuu. She holds the seven tailed rhinoserous beetle. She has a very high water chakra element and an affinity for lightning as well. Of All The tailed beasts she holds the third most powerful."
And naruto said." May I take the time to think over my options and the offers that have been placed before me???. I must take into account both The political and trade aspects of each one before making a decision." And shibuki said." Of course naruto sama. Take All The time you need. I'm not forcing anything upon you and would never do that to fuu either. I only wish to see that she's happy." And naruto said.
Give me two weeks to come to a decision. By that time you will have your answers. Now I must be going to wave country. I've wasted enough time already." Naruto then pulled out a flute that jiraia noticed had a summoning seal engraved on it and was curious as to what the flute summoned so curious as to what the summons was jiraia asked.
Hey naruto. What kind of creature does that flute let you summon???. It's nothing dangerous is it???." And naruto said.
" If by dangerous you mean The wind god fujin in his celestial animal form the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl???. Then yes. It's a very dangerous summons. Now you All may want to Stand back." Naruto then began playing his flute and as he did the wind picked up and blew around violently a tornado began to form and when it got to the gates of the village it stopped and out of the tornado came Quetzalcoatl in All his magnificent power and glory.

" Naruto then began playing his flute and as he did the wind picked up and blew around violently a tornado began to form and when it got to the gates of the village it stopped and out of the tornado came Quetzalcoatl in All his magnificent power a...

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Jiraia tsunade and the other village leaders then began sweating bullets and They All said.
" That thing is massive!!!. He's probably ten times The size of The kyuubi and gamabunta together!!!. Where did you find something like that!!??." And naruto said.
" That's none of your concern at the moment. I'll be back in two weeks after saving team useless ass and giving them proper training. Good day." Naruto Then hopped on to Quetzalcoat and began his journey to wave country where he would soon make his big appearance as the susanoo of konoha.

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