3. Enroute

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Sun rays filled the entire room through the glass door. Aditya stirred in his sleep and after tossing around for a few minutes on the bed woke up. The room was empty. The scent of Maan's cologne lingering in the room told Aditya that Maan might have gone out. He had a quick shower and got ready for the day in a military green shirt and jeans. It was 9:30 a.m and he was feeling hungry. He hesitated if he should go downstairs because Maan had not yet introduced him to the land lady and she didn't even know that there's another man in her house since last night because she was already asleep by the time he had come. He thought of the consequences of him going down and making a surprise entry. What if she mistakes me for a thief? What if she gets angry at me that I stayed at her place for the night without even asking her for permission.  Maan had told they both would go down together for breakfast and now he was missing. Aditya wasted some more time thinking Maan might return. He tried calling him but the call never got connected.

"This is it! Come what may I need to get out of this room and get something to eat. I'll try to sneak out of the house and eat something and later will enter the house with Maan", thinking so he grabbed his wallet and opened the door slowly. He slowly got down the stairs searching for any signs of Aunty in the living room. Seeing none he quickly dashed towards the main door but halted in his steps on hearing a voice.

 Seeing none he quickly dashed towards the main door but halted in his steps on hearing a voice

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"Are you up beta?"

Aditya slowly turned around to look at a middle aged woman with curly hair smiling at him.

"Ermm...yes ma'am. I..I am Maan's friend. I came here last night but you were asleep by then probably. I am sorry for the trouble. I will be gone by tomorrow."

"I know beta, Maan had told me about you when he was going to pick you up from the airport yesterday itself."

"Do you often sleep so late into the morning? Or was it the tiredness that made you do so today?", She asked trying to break the ice with Aditya who was flustered on being caught sneaking out of the house like a thief.

"No..no not at all Ma'am I was tired ..but I was up and ready waiting for Maan. I didn't know how you would react on seeing a stranger descend from the top floor of your house", Aditya told smiling sheepishly.

"I am Roshanaq. Your land lady. And you can call me Aunty like everyone does no ma'am please", she smiled. "And regarding what happened sometime back, you sneaking out will remain our little secret not to worry."

"Okay Aunty..", he bent his head scratching the back of it embarrassed.

"and what should I call you beta?", she looked at him still waiting for him to introduce himself.

"Oh I am sorry I just forgot to introduce myself. I am Aditya Hooda.",

"Very well Aditya, go take a seat at the dining table I'll get you breakfast. I was waiting for you but you took so long so I had to eat my breakfast sometime back", saying so she disappeared into the kitchen.
She's a very sweet lady, thought Aditya.

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