2. Reunions

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Aditya now had to pass another hour waiting for his friend to come and pick him up. He decided to tour the airport. There was a travel desk distributing leaflets with a  questionnaire. Boys and girls from airports across the country would be filling these forms and three lucky couples whose most answers matched would be entitled to exciting travel package. Aditya thought to himself if it is possible that there's someone who thinks like him. The contest was named 'Made for each other' and the winners would be announced close to Valentine's day. The idea was great- a good marketing strategy. He shook his head and let out a small laugh. Well he had nothing to do and didn't mind filling the questionnaire for passing his time and who knows he could get lucky this time, who would like to miss a free travel package after all. He sat down to fill it.


At the airport.

A young woman collected her baggage from the conveyer belt and was on her way to exit the airport. "That was one close near to death experience for someone who is afraid of flying on planes. I swear had this not been an emergency I would've never travelled by the plane."
Just then she spotted a travel desk distributing forms with questionnaires. The title of the contest had her intrigued. 'Made for each other'.
"Wow!", she thought. And she found her feet taking her to the travel desk and within no time she was all excited to fill in the form. "Someone who thinks just like me. How interesting!"

She had always fantasized the entire idea of being in love. She believed in the fairytale romances with happily ever afters. "Isn't this what one of  Shah Rukh's movies told? Someone, somewhere is made for you... It isn't a bad idea after all to give this contest a try..Who knows maybe all of this- me taking a flight and landing at this airport today when in most cases I completely avoid air travel- is one way for me to find the someone who's made for me".

The questionnaire and their answers--
(Answers in bold are by Aditya and italics by Zoya)

Q) Name
Aditya Hooda.
Zoya Siddiqui.

Q) The first thing you notice about a person
Eyes and Smile.

Q) Your ideal destination- beaches or mountains

Q) Your all time favorite movie?
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.

Q) Favourite Color

Q) Being on the safe side or being on the edge?
Safe side.
Being on the edge.

Q) Plan for the future or live in the moment?
Plan for the future without letting it to prevent you from living the moment..
Hope it made sense though...Aditya thought to himself.

Live in the moment.
"Who knows the tomorrow may never come..like Shah Rukh says Kya pata Kal Ho Naa Ho..",Zoya thought to herself smiling.

Q) Are you allergic to anything?

Q) Your idea of a perfect weekend
Stay back at home and sleep through the weekend, play video games or watch some movie when not sleeping.

Watch a Bollywood rom-com movie cuddled up in my bed with lots of food.

Q) A holiday destination you would like to visit with your partner?
Paris, London,Venice.
Switzerland, Paris,

Q) What would you name a book made on you and your partner's love story?
On our way to eternity.
Our journey to eternity.

And few more questions....

Entwined~ AdiYa FFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum