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[what's wrong? you've been asking but i don't have an answer!]

"did someone hurt you?" jack asked, breaking slightly at the thought of someone hitting his fantasy girl.

"no, jack. i told you, i ran into a wall." she chuckled slighting as the boy tilted his head, inspecting the bruise.
"sure?" he reassured himself, and honestly? y/n sorta thought he looked cute, all concerned and worried.

"yes, grazer. i am sure, swear on my life." y/n smiled at him.
"that's a big thing to swear on, y/n." jack's eyes formed into love hearts at her.

her body, her face, her voice, her smile, even her posture was attractive to him. the way she would bite on her pencil and lean her head on one hand, or the way she turned around to face jack.

but it hurt him to think someone hurt her, to hurt his dream girl. was it finn? he thought, if it was, jack thought about cornering him in the bathrooms and stabbing him in the gut with a kitchen knife, or punching him till he bled from all entrances in his face.
the best idea he thought was bringing his old man's shotgun to school and shooting all of his posse, and maybe even y/n's clique.

the only thing he wanted was y/n, even if it meant killing everyone she loved.

❥ 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓, finn wolfhard.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora