·|| Laughing Jack x male reader ||·

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First person P·O·V
As the sun set, we went inside from the porch. Jack and I had been sitting there playing with sally, playing doctor, house, and jack even dressed as a pretty princess with a bright neon pink tu-tu and glittering crown. But now it was time to go inside and put the small girl to bed. I was left on clean up duty, wich I didn't mind, since jack, sally and I were all going to her room. I carried the small pink tale and each of its chairs on my arms, stacking the plastic teacups on the top of the table.
I followed jack into her room, her small arms around his shoulders as he carried her to bed. He pulled the covers back and slid her into the sheets comfortably. He reached down and pulled off her little shoes as I set the table and teacups down in the corner of the room. The only thing lighting the small space was a large pink lamp next to her bed. Tue bloody painter had cut star shaped holes and horses into the lamp shade, making it cast wonderful shadows on the clean light pink walls. "Goodnight my dear," Lj said, giving the sleepy sally a kiss on the forehead. I smiled at his kindness and stepped forward. Lj sidestepped to allow me to give her a peck on the cheek. She giggled groggly and smiled an innocent smile at the two of us.
"Good night jacky pants. Goodnight (y/n)-boi." She sighed. Jack dimmed the lamp and made the lamp shade spin slowly, casting a dream like mood to the room.
Lj slowly and carefully walked out of the room, me close behind. Once we were both in the hallway, he checked sally's room again and closed the door with a soft click.
"I never knew you were good with kids" I joked, whispering as we walked away from the pink door to sally's room.
Lj cast me an amused look, raising an eyebrow at my comment.
I laughed a bit and we went to sit on the couch. I sat down in the middle and jack went to the dvd player and tv.
"Want to watch a movie, (y/n)-boi?" He said, hit soft but deep voice tainted with amusement.
I chucked a little, embarrassed by his reenactment of sally's nickname for me.  Somehow, when he said it, it shot odd shivers up my spine. I brushed the feeling off as just being cold and replied to lj's question.
"Sure why not?" I said nonchalantly. Lj picked up some movie cases and laughed a bit. He smirked and looked at me, the dvd's in his hands Dusty and warn out.
"The last people to use these were toby and ben," he started. And knowing that, i instantly cringed. They were going to he broken and beaten and shattered aren't they? "About three years ago. So there older movies... aaannnd most likely to be mixed up. So whichever case you pick, we will watch whatever movie is in it even if its not the right one.." than me gave me an odd look, he lowered his head to look up at me through his eyelashes, smirking devilishly. "Do you want to play?"
My face flushed, blood rushing to my cheeks and I did everything I could not to smirk and look away. "S-sure."
He laughed loudly and scooted closer to me, holding out the cases like a deck of cards. I tore my eyes away from his and peered down at the dvd boxes.
The first was: the never-ending story.
The second was: dirty dancing.
The third one, a particularly dusty and warn out copy of: star ward, the last hope.
And finally: Frasier, the complete first season.
I looked down and desperately wanted to get the old tv show. Taking a chance I poked at the never ending story.
Jack smiled at my decision and pulled out the box, setting the rest of the movies down on my lap. He opened the case dramatically. I started a slow drum roll against the couch to add to the dramatic effect.
"What is inside box number one?" He asked me, peeking down at the open dvd box, than back up at me. I nervously began to think.. what should I say, I hope its Frasier..
"Frasier?" I mumbled, my fingers cross as I stop the drum roll.
"Correct! You, sir win the complete first season of Frasier!" Jack smiled widely, exposing his shark teeth. I couldn't think of anything but how hot he was when he smiled like that.
I smiled happily at him and he turned around and placed the disk in the player, turning on the tv. The screen flashed blue for a moment, than  it showed tue opening credits for Frasier. Lj made his way back to the couch and sat next to the armrest.
For a moment there was silence, than the creaking of the couch as Lj put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to lean on him. I smiled and kicked my feet on the other side of the couch and nuzzled against his chest, listening to his heart beet more than the tv's commercials.  He hummed a short song and I could feel his voice deep in his chest, getting shivers down my spine as he did.
"Who is your favorite character from Frasier?" Lj asked, looking down at me. I twisted my face and thought for a moment.. than when I had it I looked up at jack.
" ehh, I don't really have one.. the guy who sings the credits?" I laughed nervously, looking to see any changes in Lj's facial expressions. He kept the same chronically amused face as usual and blinked at me, chuckling.
"Yeah," he said, looking back at the tv as the show began to start. "I like that one too."
We both watched the show for a few episodes, and about halfway through the fifth episode I began to get tired. I slid my head into Lj's lap and was about to fall asleep. Than something happened.
He slid his hand under my knees and behind my back and picked me up in his arms. He must have thought I was asleep, so I continued to pretend I was, leaning against his chest to keep hearing that heart beat. He than took me up stairs and made a right turn towards his bedroom. My heart started going a mile a minute. What was he doing? Why are we going to his room? I tried to calm myself as he entered the room, turning on a lamp by his bed. He set my limp body on the bed and began to take off his fluffy scarf and shoes. Than he un clipped his suspended and climbed into his bed next to me.
The bed being a small queen sized mattress, and us being two full grown men, we were close to kissing when he slid under the covers with me.
Somehow I could feel him smile. "Come here," he said, obviously knowing I was awake. I froze and peeked an eye open to look at him. I saw him staring directly into my eyes, but it wasn't awkward at all, I saw  love and companionship in his dark eyes.
I scooted towards him, obeying what he told me. But once I was pressed against him, I didn't know where to go. He understood this and pulled me the rest of the way so that my head lay against his chest. His arm went around my shoulder and he took a breath in and I yawned, rubbing my cheek against his soft shirt. I got comfy and slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

1303 words

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