when you need comfort (your hurt/sad)

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This is really fucking long, but marie, autumn, dino-boy and aaliyah, I did it for you so I hope you like it.

Eyeless Jack
You were on the brink of tears, hugging your kneed close to your chest. Your ex called , that ex that you loved and never really got over, yeah, that one. They just told you that when they were with you, they were in agony. Telling you that you made them depressed and angry.
You tried to push the thought of their face out of your brain, but it was all that could stay. With no more background thoughts to shield you, their picture was burning into your mind. Nothing felt right. It all felt like jello, breakable and soft. As if you destroyed everything just by walking around. Just by showing yourself. Oo
A sob clawed its way from your throat and you crunched yourself into an even tighter ball of sadness
The door opened slowly, as to warn you and not startle you. "Hon, are you in he-" jack's voice cut off when his eyeless  sockets found you on the floor next to the bed, holding your knees to your chest desperately. He rushed to your side and crouched next to you, arms out as if to see if you needed a hug or to check if you were injured in any way.
"They-" you tried, but talking only let your guard drop for another sob to come out. So you stopped talking and just squeezed your eyes shut. Hoping that Ej would leave you alone, but at the same time hold you in his arms.
"Who- who?!" He asked, not so much aggressive as it was caring, but still you could hear the anger in his voice.
You couldn't talk, or you would completely crumble, and you thought if you moved you would louse control and do something stupid. But you could practically feel his worry. You breathed in deeply, the tears bot in your eyes.
"My phone.." you whispered. "Voice... mail"
He took the hint and searched for hour phone. he saw it on the bed and grabbed it, putting in his birthday for the password. He went to voice mail and clicked on the latest one.
"Hey (y/n).. its (ex's name)" there was girlish giggles in the back ground, followed by shooshing. "I fucking hate you. Im in this program where im coping from bad relationships and I cane to tell you how I feel and how you hurt me-" just than, Ej growled and turned off the phone. His anger peaking to a new level. He threw the phone onto the bed and picked you up. Carrying you harshly, he kicked the door open, nearly breaking it. He angry walked to the living room where toby and BEN were. They looked up and stared at you when they saw you crying.
"Whats going o-" ben started. But ej just set you on the couch, moved his mask a but and gave you a kiss on the head. He put his mask back up and pulled out his scalpel.
"Look after them" he growled, his voice demonic and low.
Ben sat up on the couch next to you, pulling you into his chest. Toby nodded and sat on the arm rest next to you, gently rubbing your shoulder.
"Where are you going?"  Toby asked, looking up at ej.
"To slaughter a pig"

"Well well well, what do we have here?" nina asked, her monologue just about over. "The little whore that is annoying my jeffy.. I think im going to have to kill you now-" she said, lunging at you with a knife.
You sighed and dodged lazily. Having been taught about nina, you were sure you could defend yourself against her easily.
"Not so fast!" She yelled, turning around and slashing at your side. Yadda yadda, practically readable like an open book.
You side stepped her second attack. Pulling out your phone, you started sarcastically texting jeff that 'oh noo, im being attacked.. I sure hope my knight in shiny armor comes to save the day!'  You chucked, dodging nina's wild card attack and sent the text. She let out a roar of anger while you shoved your phone back into your hoodie pocket. The rims of the hoodie died pink from blood. It was jeff's jacket and that's how nina realised you had been with him. Oh well, there were about a dozen hickeys on your neck, hips and back to show that you were his.. soo it didn't phase you that much. Suddenly, without any warning nina lunged, a wild shot, but it hit. (Y/n)'s side got run through completely.
"Uhh, ow." You say sarcastically, bitch slapping her away. She did a dramatic twirl and fell. You looked down at the jacket. 'Crap.. ehh what can I co about it.' You thought, not really caring that you'll die by the hands of the weird little psycho. She looked up at you, half obnoxious victory, and half pain. She stood up, clutching her arm. 'How the hell did I hurt her arm? Fuggen drama queen' You thought with a bit of annoyance.
"I will be back for you" she swore. Jow much more cleche could nina get?
"Fuck of betty sue" you said, turning and walking back to the mansion. She hissed and melted into the shadows. 'What a fucking hoe' you laughed internally. The laughter hurt you. But not too bad.
You started limping, not a good sign. But once you got to the mansion, you were clutching your side and cold sweating, literally dying of blood loss.
You opened the door, a bloody hand clutched over your wound
Everyone who was in the living room or kitchen turned to look at you. "Wassup"
Everyone stared at you, than at each other in bewilderment. You didn't care, you usually came home in blood anyhow. The only difference was who's blood it was. You located jeff, staring at you in fear, worry, and amusement. You wondered how a person could have those emotions all in one face, but jeff did. You tried to walk up to him, but you decided the floor looked comfier, so you just sat down. Crossing your legs sitting on the floor, door wide open, and blood covered your rntire left side down to your knees. You atared at everyone like THEY were the crazy ones.
"What?" You asked. This was the slenderman mansion, everyone walks in with someone's blood covering them. Why were you and different?
"Honey, who's blood is that?" Jeff asked, putting his knife down. It was covered in ground beef, you assume he was working on helping make dinner.
you laughed a bit, than winced. Which made him freak out, along with everybody else. He rushed to your side and lifted the bloody hoodie to reveal a deep gushing stab wound. He palmed you on the forhead gently as Ej rushed to your other side, a med kit in hand. "We talked about this your moron. If you get stabbed and are bleeding, apply pressure. Fucking idiot" he cursed, glaring softly. His expression was more worried than angry, but you knew when he had a moment alone with you he would be mad.
You felt the darkness rushing in, you were going to black out soon from too much blood whats-a-call-it.. loss! Whoa, the lack of blood was definitely getting to your head. Or was it. You laughed at your own joke and looked jeff dead in the eyes and said "peace out", giving him the peace sign with your fingers before passing out cold.

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