what happens when you play games with ben...

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Eyeless Jack
You get a new high score and decide to rub it in ben's face. "I win against the computer geek!" You shout triumphantly, waving your controller in the air. Ben crosses his arms over his chest and huffs, glaring digital daggers at you. You don't care and go back to watching the victory screen flash mockingly at ben.
"What happene- oh, you won (y/n)?" Ej asked, hopping over the back of the couch and sitting between you and the angry elf.
"Oh hell yeah," you started, laughing at a low mumble come from BEN. "What was that.. geek?" You ask, a bit too cocky for a human to be asking a literal demon.
"Nothing" he pouted, standing abruptly, walking off to the kitchen.
"Nice going human,"  Ej laughed, putting his hand around your shoulders. You turn to look at your boyfriend, smirking a bit.
"So what does the winner get as a prize?" You ask, leaning into his chest, looking up with the sexy eyes that gets him. He only chucked and lifted his mask above his mouth, revealing a devilish smirk.
"How about a kiss?" He suggested, placing his hand behind your head to pull you up to his lips, kissing you gently. A moment passed and the both of you deepened it, your hands wrapping around his waist and the other resting on a shoulder. Breathing through your nose, you push your body on top of his till your straddling his hips, the kiss never breaking.
"So if I win next time I can kiss Ej than?" Ben asked out of nowhere, startling you. You turn around to see ben hanging half out of the tv you had played video games on, hoodie's camera in hand.
"Little THot!!" You shouted, pouncing on him, but you missed as he ducked back into the tv, turning it back to normal.

You and ben were sitting in front of the couch, close to the tv as you raced him in mario. He was ahead, and knew all the tricks, and was pulling a venelope by making his cart glitch to get ahead. You were only doing this to satisfy his needs. You sighed and leaned back against your boyfriend's legs, sighing in defeat as the "you lost" screen flashed mockingly at you. Ben let out a whoop and turned to you, pulling down an eyelid and sticking his tongue out at you.
"I will pike your eye out child" you threatened, glaring at him. He just laughed harder and continued shunning your poor gaming skills. Against him, you were trash at nearly every game, but against every other creepypasta, you were a god.
You were getting pissy, so you reached a hand up to jeff while holding eye contact with the game demon.
"Knife" you ordered, and jeff took out a knife from his pocket, placing it in your hand without a glance up from his phone.
You grabbed hold of the knife as ben started to try to run away. You smirked and threw it at the elf, snagging his green shirt and pinning him to the wall. You laughed and jeff snorted, high-fiveing you. Ben let out a distressed call, to which no one answered, and started flailing around, trying to get out of your knife's hold.
You glared again at ben and climbed onto the couch lazily, putting your head in jeff's lap. He put his phone down, turning on your favorite song to calm you down, stroking your hair. You looked up into his soft blue eyes and he looked back into yours. You reached up a hand, cupping his cheek and gently rubbing your thumb along the line he carved into his face. And for a loving moment, you could feel your hearts connect. You knew exactly what you wanted to do.
"Lets hog tie the elf and roast him for Ej.." you suggested strait faced as ever.
Jeff nodded and you both stood up, walking slowly over to the pinned link. He noticed your stalking towards him and he started struggling even more as he saw murderous intent in your eyes.

Laughing Jack
"Aaauurrggg shittt!!" You screeched, thumbs and index finger flying across the controller in desperation. You hunched over your crossed legs, feeling the adrenaline rush through your body. "Get back here you stupid ELF. I WILL GET YOUR ASS!!" You continued. Playing Mindcraft games with ben, it was down to you and him, the rest of the players all dead and surveying from a bats view above, watching you chase and wack at ben. He kept jumping away, dodging every attack. If you didn't kill him you would louse the bet and be his servant for the rest of the day. And it was too high a price to pay for this stupid game and the stupid lag on your side of the screen.
"Oh well, it looks like your time is almost up, seems ill be getting a little pet today" ben said leisurely, leaning back against the couch. His fingers skillfully guiding him just out of reach of my attacks. He didn't even look phased as I tried my trump card, doing a hack I learned from YouTube. He just lifted his hand, snapped his finer, and his character glitched out of the way.
Time was up and the screen viewed ben's character doing jumps and hitting the air in victory. Your eyes glued to the screen in shock, he turned his head to look at you cockily, puckering out his lip.
"Looks like ya lost.. time to pay up" he chucked, snapping his finer to put the console to the home screen, logging out of the game. you turned your head slowly, shadows of defeat and anger covering half your face. "I am going to beet the living fuck out of you prick!"
"Your kinky... but you got the right ideas" he laughed, getting getting up from tue ground and sitting on the couch.
Just than Lj came in, looking somewhat worried. "I heard the screams of a dying (y/n).. are you allright, love?" He asked, looking at your slumped figure still sitting on the ground. You looked at him as he got closer and he could see the void in your eyes. "Get.... "
"What? Say that a little louder?" He asked, kneeling down to your level.
"Get... ben" you growled deeply, fire burning in your heart. He let out a little yelp and giving you a wide eyed look of confusion and fear.
"Wh- huh?" He stammered, looking up at ben's evil face.
"Their my little servant today-" but before he could finish, Lj began to laugh loudly, zipping past (y/n) and grabbing ben by the throat and pushing him quickly into another room. From there you could hear bens screams and jack's laughter. Knowing you were avenged, you climbed on to the couch and laughed to yourself.

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