Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

            Me and Lisa decided to get something to eat at the small little café just a couple blocks away from the studio. I had just gotten a plain cheeseburger and fries, or what they call it her ‘chips’.  Lisa gotten a grilled cheese with tomato and bacon in it, a bit gross if you ask me. She did complain that the service was a tad too slow for her liking. I reminded her that were not home and other places take time then back home.  I told Lisa that we needed to stop at the local guitar shop so I can buy a guitar.

            After dinner, we went to the guitar shop. It was really huge inside. Guitars all throughout the store, some on the floor and others on the wall. Basses where like the many guitars but not as much. Amps stood in one corner where mic stands and microphones in the other corner. A couple of drum kits where in the middle of the floor or show, which ever you like to call it.  I felt like I was in Macy’s but instead of clothes, it was all interments. I started to walk around the store when one guitar spotted my eye.


            It was quiet a beauty. It looked like it was a Les Paul, great guitar brand. It had a wooden neck, where the frets are, where behind the neck it was all solid black that went to the head and down throughout the body. In the middle of the body was a nice sunburst orange wooden looking color. I feel in love with it then and there and I wouldn’t want any other. I looked for the price tag to see how much it was. It was only fifty pounds, not bad I mean its eighty dollars and thirty-three dollars. I didn’t have fifty pounds on me and I kinda wonder if they took checks. I’m so lucky that I do have a checking account here and my dad puts in one hundred dollars each week.  

            “Can I help you Miss?” the sales boy asked, he could have been about fifteen years old.

            “Yes you can” I said with a smile, “I was wondering do you take checks by any chance?”

            “Yes we do Miss.”

            “Alright then, well I guess I’ll be taking that nice Les Paul with that nice orange-ish sunburst color in the middle”

            “Nice choice Miss” he said, “Would you like a case two?”

            “Yes please” I answered with a smile.

            As the sales boy got the guitar and case, I decided to look at the straps. I grabbed a nice black strapped that had white stars going through it, kinda reminded me of the sky at night time. I headed towards the register and paid for my guitar. After I paid for it, I called Lisa’s name so that we can leave, which we were able to do since she was right near me.

~Twenty Minutes Later~


            We got back to the flat. I opened the door, since it was unlocked I didn’t have to look for my keys. Thank you Sarah for being home. I walked inside and put down my new guitar, I’m thinking about calling her Lucie, by the door so that I didn’t have to drag it back. I walked into my room and grabbed my two suitcases. I packed enough clothes to last me the whole month, at least I hoped so. I packed my dress that I got when I first went out with Jimmy and the off white sundress that I wore while I was at Hopton. In the other suit case I packed toiletries and shoes with my makeup, a couple of books and hair stuff. I grabbed Stevie, my other guitar, and put him into his case. I had also packed my capo that had a perfect spot in my guitar case. I carried all my bags towards the door so that I wouldn’t forget anything. Lisa was already packed and her bag was by the door. She was on the phone with god knows who but she said her goodbyes to that person. I on the other hand walked into the kitchen where Sarah was making herself some dinner.

            “Hey Sarah I have a question to ask you” I asked her while standing next to her and against the counter.

            “Sure what’s up?”

            “Two things actually. One do you mind giving me and Lisa a ride to the studio and Two, do you mind if I borrowed your inhaler while I’m gone?”

            “No I don’t mind and yeah you can borrow it, I have to go to the doctors tomorrow anyway so I can lie and say I ‘lost’ it and get a new one.”

            “You sure?” I asked to make sure she’s okay with it.

            “One hundred percent positive” she assured me.

            “Thank you so much Sarah” I said with excitement while hugging her.

            “No problem” she said while letting go of the hug and going back to cooking “No go to bed you got a big day tomorrow.”

            “Alright mom god” I joked while heading towards my room.

            I didn’t have to tell Lisa to go to bed cause she was already getting into her ‘bed’. I walked into my room and close the door. I changed out of my work clothes and got into a comfy pair of pajamas, nothing fancy just an old shirt and a pair of shorts. I put my hair back into a bun and slid into my bed. My pillows and sheets smelt like Jimmy. It just made me smile. God do I love him, yes I love Jimmy Page, I just didn’t love him when he did that drug. Let’s hope it was a once and once only thing.

                I took another sniff of my sheets and smiled even more. My eyes started to become heavy and I was left going into my dream world. I just can't wait for tomorrow.  

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