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(Y/N) POV :

It's been months since the battle between Ghidorah and Godzilla, only months after Emma's heroic sacrifice, just months after my family's death. But Today, today was the day Dr. Rick Stanton would tell me if the Monarch had considered me good enough to join their team. I had studied every night, memorized every Titan, taught myself to be the greatest in combat, everything in order to get accepted.
So here I was, sitting in the cafeteria poking at the meatloaf in boredom, I told Madison that she could borrow some books which I hoped would distract her for a bit, "You gonna eat that?" I perked up at hearing Dr. Rick Stanton's voice, "Nah you can have it," I bit my lip as Dr. Rick smiled taking the meatloaf over his plate before taking a huge bite, "So, did they accept me?" I asked nervously tapping my fingers on the table. He took his time to respond, chewing whatever he had left of that plain meatloaf, his face stayed serious, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," I frowned, They didn't accept me , a smile crept up his face as he stared at me before nudging my shoulder, "You'll have to suffer with the sound of the alarm cause work for us starts early in the morning."
I stared at him shocked before a smile slowly made its way to my lips, "No way! I got accepted!? Madis gonna be so excited once I tell her!" I gave Dr. Rick a pat on the back but I guessed I used to much force cuz his glasses slipped off, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Dr. Rick is just that I'm really happy! Wait," I stopped staring him in the eyes as he chuckled fixing his glasses, "Yes, (Y/N)?" "What base was I assigned to? That's if I did get assigned to one." I added, calming down.
He hummed, tapping his chin playfully, "Well they said you have a lot of knowledge concerning one Titan and they found it easier for you to stay here." My jaw dropped, "Estas bromiando!?" I exclaimed. He laughed, "Nope. Welcome to the club." I wore the biggest smile ever as I gave him a bear hug, "Thank You! Thank You! THANK YOU!" I gotta tell Madi the news! She's gonna be so happy once I tell her! "I have to go now, Thank You so much! Madi has to know about this!" I quickly stood up tripping in the process, "Woah! You okay?" Dr. Rick asked coming over to help me up, I nodded my head, "Yeah yeah, don't worry about me I'm fine!" I assured him, standing up like nothing happened before running outside heading to my shared room, "Thanks Again!" I shouted as I disappeared in the hall, "No problem!" He shouted back.

Meanwhile Madison's & (Y/N)'s Room

Madison's POV :

"How can she read all this," I mumbled digging through the books she let me borrow. Some looked interesting to read while others eh- not so much. I hummed a random tune as I continued to search for a good book to read, "What's this?" I asked myself grabbing a black hard cover book, no title engraved at all. I flipped through the first page, "Woah." I stared at the drawing before me, it was so well drawn. The details seemed so realistic as if the creature could literally jump out the page. Not to mention the colors, they were a mix of blues, reds, say the whole rainbow!  "Madison!" I yelped dropping the book. I quickly grabbed it, shoving it under my pillow. "Coming!" I stood up heading to the door, opening it, "(Y/N)? Why you smiling?" I asked, (Y/N) smiled at me closing the door behind her before grabbing my hand, dragging me to my bed. "Before I tell you this, please don't tell your dad or he's gonna flip," she told me, I nodded, "Okay?" She grabbed my hands in hers before leaning closer, a gleam in her eyes, "I officially joined the Monarch."
I gasped, "No!" She nodded, "Yes!", "No you didn't!" , she laughed, "Yes I did! Dr. Rick just told me not to long ago, Madison do you know what this means!?" She asked. I grinned, I knew (Y/N) very well, and seeing the mischief hidden behind those eyes... "You got to teach me everything! You know how much I want to be part of it too!" I smiled. She rolled her eyes, "Of course silly! Who else would I count on to sneak into the control room at night?" I squealed, "Your the best!!!" She laughed, "I know I am."
I pushed her away playfully before reaching for the book under the pillow, I smirked at her sudden reaction, "Where'd you find that?" She asked taking the book in her hands, I shrugged, "I found it in the pile of books you gave me. I didn't know you liked to draw." I told her, scooting closer as she opened the book to a random page. On the page a swan was drawn, it wrapped around a blood red rose delicately yet majestically. "Yeah, I used to draw. But I stopped doing it, I guess I was too focused on my studies and then when the Titans awakened well I kinda forgot about it." She whispered. I hummed, "Why don't you try to get into it again?" I suggested.  She shrugged, "Maybe."

(Y/N) POV :

I bit my lip as I stared at the drawing I did a couple years ago, "You- You want to keep it?" I asked Madison handing her the book that carried all those drawings I had done a long time ago. She gave a small nod, "Thank You." She whispered, I shrugged, "No problem." I gave the book back to her before reaching down to grab another, this one was an all time favorite, "Hey Mad?" She hummed looking up from the book, "Yeah?" I looked at the time, 5:02 pm , "Want to go with me tonight?" I asked suddenly. She grinned, "Hell yeah!" I chuckled, "12 o'clock sharp, heading down to the control room. This will be mind blowing, you'll see." I tell her.
Before she could say anything back there was a knock on the door, we shared a look before I chose to open the door to reveal none other than Mark, Madison's father. "Is Madison here?" He asked, trying to peek inside. I nodded steeping aside for him, "Yeah come on in." He thanked me, walking past me towards Madison. "Madison we need to talk." Madison rolled her eyes at him, "Whatever you want to talk about you can say it in front of (Y/N)." She said, frowning at him. Mark sighed, "Ill talk to (Y/N) after I'm done with you."
I gulped, Oh no...did he find out about me joining Monarch!? "Uh....I'll be in Uh- control room-." I coughed hoping he didn't hear the last part. "Are you getting sick, (Y/N)?" He asked, concerned. I waved him off, "Nah I'm fine you have a nice talk with Madi...Chow!" I closed the door behind me, "Well time to get this plan movin." I mumbled heading to the control room. To get there I memorized every hallway, the easiest places to hide, every camera hidden, etc. I was a ninja in disguise.
Wow these doors are fancy but coool I thought walking in the control room, looking around in pure amazement until I spotted Dr. Rick Stanston, "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? You know you start working tomorrow right???" I nodded, "Yes but it wouldn't hurt to look around here, would it? Plus this place is fancy!" I said, watching as many scientists or just experienced people going about their business. He shrugged, taking a sip from his mug, "At first sight but once you know everything it's kinda boring considering Godzilla's rarely active so-" I rolled my eyes playfully, "Hey Rick?," "Yes?", "Did Mark find out about- about me being apart of this?" I whispered the last part, motioning to this whole thing their doing. He began to choke on his coffee...well assuming that's what it was. "Woah! You okay?" I asked patting his back. He cleared his throat, "Wait wait WAIT! Your telling me that Mark doesn't know anything about this!?" He whispered shouted. I laughed nervously, "I might've kinda, lied a tiny weeny little bit."
"Oh damn, oh damn, oh geezes he's gonna kill me." Rick mumbled staring wide eyed at (Y/N) who was nervously playing with the end of her hoodie. "Your joking, right? Tell me this is all just a sick prank?" He told her, hoping she was playing with him. She bit her lip, "Eh- no." He gulped, "This. Is. Bad. Mark said you couldn't- but you said he gave you-? Aw geezes! Why would you do that?" She shrugged, "Cuz I wanted to be part of this too."
Rick took another sip from his coffee, tasting it's bittersweet flavor, "I need a beer." He grumbled. I sighed, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to be like my father, I wanted- no, I needed in too!" He sighed, "Alright. I'll make sure he doesn't find out...either way if he does he doesn't really have the authority to fire you since he isn't the boss of us-," I giggled at that, "Aaaand you signed a contract, like we all had too so you basically have an advantage against him." I breathed out in relief, "Thanks Rick, I owe you one." I told him taking a seat next to him. He chuckled, "Yeah you owe me big time." He mumbled looking down at his now empty mug.
(Y/N) sat in silence after that, watching the data pad in front of her that displayed Godzilla's active state which showed, right now that he was currently sleeping soundly. She hummed, "Hey Rick do you mind if I-?" She smiled as Dr. Rick gave her a slight nod. "Go ahead, all your gonna here is him snoring... nothing special." He grumbled, "Hey I'm gonna go get myself more coffee, need anything?" He asked standing up. (Y/N) shook her head, already plugging in a pair of headphones, "Nah I'm fine. Thanks anyways." He shrugged walking off, "Suit yourself then."
(Y/N) watched in amusement as Dr. Rick zigzagged his way to the coffee dispenser, disappearing behind a wall that lead to the break room where his priced coffee stood in all its glory. She sighed, turning back to the data, she connected her headphones while pressing various buttons until she found what she was looking for, "Bingo!" She whispered increasing the volume a bit. She stood still, listening closely, she focused on the screen before her trying to listen beyond the ocean sounds and that's when she heard it. She smiled, she could clearly hear the low rumbling of Godzilla's snores followed by the soothing sounds of the ocean.
(Y/N) was too captivated by the calming sounds Godzilla and the ocean made combined, she failed to notice Mark enter the control room heading her way, fury burning in his eyes. And a very panicky Dr. Rick behind his heals,"(Y/N)!!!"


1880 Words!!! Noice! Well I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed typing this up. Cya in the next chapter guys! ☺️

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