A Surprise Birthday Party

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      After a few weeks Yunlan have recovered from the injury of his face and the trauma that happened to him.

      His living now happy life with Shen Wei on his side. Still he manage his small chicken store with Da quing and Lin Jing. And now he have twenty store all over the country. While Shen Wei want to surprise Yunlan about the seaweed that he propose back then.

     He have gotten a lot of investors in it. And now producing many items made from seaweeds and distributing it in stores, malls and even school nation wide.

      When Yunlan came back from work. Feeling a little tired.  He was surprised Shen Wei have gotten home early than him wearing a robe only and a folders on his hand. As he ran to him kissing that soft lips he miss so much.

     "Yunlan! I have a surprise for you?!" As he handed him the folder while clinging his arms to Yunlan waist. Yunlan was a bit shocked, "It's my proposal! How?! Shen Wei thanks!" As he kiss Shen Wei again.

      "Wow! Your a millionaire as me now! You should give me a compensate because I got you many investors and markets for you!" As Shen Wei kiss him again.
"Anything you want?!" Yunlan was so happy.

     When Yunlan had place the folder in their cabinet. Shen Wei suddenly pulled him to their bed. As he place Yunlan on his lap he carefully taking off Yunlan's clothes one by one, while nuzzling on his neck. "Do you want to start now or I'll take you to the bath!" He whispered to him. Making Yunlan shivered from his hold and moan as Shen Wei caressing his bare chest pinching his nipples while taking off his polo shirt.

     "I want you now!" As he made Shen Wei laid on the bed, took off Shen Wei's robe while taking off he shoes he climb onto Shen Wei kissing him deep. Claiming that soft lips upon him. He forgot he still have his belt and accidentally graze Shen Wei's abdomen. As Shen Wei hiss a little. Yunlan stop and apologize for forgetting to take the dam thing off.

     As he stand up again, took off the belt. His zipper got stock as he trying to take it off he lost his balance and fall. Making Shen Wei laugh as he wear his robe again.

     "Wait Shen Wei! I'm still taking my pants off don't leave!" He wyn.
Shen Wei suddenly throw him his robe. "Maybe you should take a shower first as I prepared dinner!" And walk away from the room. Leaving poor Yunlan on the floor still tried to get out from his pants. "Stupid pants!" He shout.

    While at the dinning table Shen Wei placing the foods on the table a doorbell he heard. He look at the CCTV who is it. "Hey! It's us!" Shout Da quing with his friends. "Yikes! What are they doing here?!" Said Shen Wei as he let them in. "Sorry about the clothes I didn't know your all coming!" As he lead them inside.

     Did you forgot! It's Yunlan's birthday today!" Said Lin Jing. And his niece want to see him as well!" Said Wang. "We're is he anyway?!" Ask Sang.

     Suddenly Yunlan descended at the stairs wearing a towel only on his hips to surprise Shen Wei. "Shen Wei! My love were are you?!" He suddenly froze when he saw his friends and Shen Wei looking at him.

     Wang is the first to scream while Yunlan follows. Yunlan suddenly panic as he stumble on the stairs pulling off accidentally his towel.
Making Wang shout higher as Sang cover his wife and child. While Shen Wei run toward him to help his husband cover himself and pulled him upstairs. Making Da quing and Lin Jing laugh hysterically.

     When they came back again they put on their clothes and arguing while descending the stairs. As both smile welcoming their friends.
"I'm sorry we didn't called before coming here!" Said Da quing while placing some foods and wine they brought, while trying not to laugh. "Its not a bother! We're just like brothers here!" He said. While Shen Wei your sister in-law!" He whispered to them making them laugh.

    "Hey! I heard my name! Said Shen Wei. While playing with the niece of Yunlan. Whose giggling non stop. As Wang gave him Yume. Yume hold his hands tightly while she tried to take one of the fingers of Shen Wei try to suck it. "Yume! No!" Wang scolded him.

      "Oh! Wang I think I want a little kid of my own! She's very cute!" As he kissed his chubby cheeks making her more giggle. "Why don't you tell it to Yunlan?" Said Wang. "I will tell him after this party. Said Shen Wei.

      When the party started they played a soft music while chatting with one another and eating. Suddenly someone again ring the doorbell. As Shen Wei look at the CCTV he was surprised it was Guo and Chu together cuddling to one another. When he open the door.

     Chu suddenly retreat his arms to Guo and smile to Shen Wei. As Shen Wei welcome them in. Guo and Chu place the cake in the refrigerator for the table is full. As they went to the dining table to join in to eat and chat with friends.

     The doorbell ring again. It was Yunlan turned to be surprised. As he saw in the CCTV his in laws came. He welcome them in with open arms as he kiss his mother in law on the cheek. While his father in law grumble and greet him, "Happy Birthday!" As he tried to smile to Yunlan.

      When midnight strike, as everyone left. While Shen Wei and Yunlan washing the dishes. "Honey! Can I talk to you?" Shen Wei ask. "Sure what is it?!" Said Yunlan.

    As Shen Wei suddenly cling to his neck. "I want a child!" He said. Yunlan almost pop his eyes off. "Wait! What?! You know I can't produce a baby?!" Yunlan suddenly said. "No! Not you!" He accidentally said. Making Yunlan shoved him. "Whose that woman?!" He suddenly shout.
      Shen Wei laugh. "It's not what your thinking! I mean artificial insemination! Our sperm will be injected to a woman to make her pregnant!" He said.  "Well! What do you think?!" As he embrace Yunlan back to him. "Let me think first! Would you?!" Yunlan said.

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