Dying In Your Arms

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      Yunlan was lying on the cold ground in an alley, coughing blood. He was shot by the man he love and fall from a veranda.

      "I can't be dying I need to tell him how much I love him!" He internally said. As he was crying and coughing blood. Why did he shot me! Is he still angry at me! His the one that break up with me! And now he though that I was having an affair with someone! Why his so cruel to me!" As he tried to move but his body won't let him.

     He suddenly heard screaming and yelling of his friends. And Shen Wei who ran toward him. As he cradle Yunlan to his body. While Shen Wei trying to apologize to him.
"I love you! Why won't you believe me!" Yunlan whispered to him.  As he tried to reach for Shen Wei's crying face and block out.

*Flash Back*

      When Yunlan was highschool he was playing basketball with his friends. He suddenly notice a beauty whose watching them. "Whose that?!" Yunlan suddenly stop to look at the cute boy with eyeglasses whose looking at him. "Yunlan! Watch out!" Da quing shout. When Yunlan turned the ball hit his face making him fall on the ground. The cute boy with eyeglasses that is looking at him scream and ran toward him. As the boy tried to help him up. "Are you an angel?!" Yunlan said, as he fell unconscious.

      He woke up in a clinic with a cold compress on his forehead. And beside him is his friends and the cute boy with eyeglasses. He suddenly sit up and hold the boy hands. "What's your name angel?!" He ask. His friends were shock and speechless. His angel went red and almost stutter. "Shen.... Wei!" He said. "What a beautiful name just like you!" That made Shen Wei giggle. Suddenly Da quing cough. As he pulled his friend in a corner. "May I have a word with you?!" He said.

      "Yunlan! That kid is a boy! And most of all his Yezun's Gege! Do you understand. The ruthless Yezun is his brother!" He said. Yezun the leader of the gang member in their school whose their enemy. But Yunlan's brain is flying somewhere. And that somewhere is Shen Wei. Whose smiling sweetly at him.

      As he set aside Da quing. "Can I have your phone number? Are you single? Waiting for someone like me?!" As he wink to Shen Wei. Who can't believe he caught the eyes of his major crush Yunlan. As he quickly took his cellphone from his pocket and shaking drop it. Luckily Yunlan caught it. And his the one who open Shen Wei's cellphone. While Shen Wei trying to get it from him.

      Yunlan was shock as he open Shen Wei cellphone, he saw his own pictures in the phone. Shen Wei was now red as a tomatoe. As Yunlan found out he has a major crush on him. "No! Will he hate me for liking him!" Whispered Shen Wei to himself. As Yunlan smirk and wrote his number to Shen Wei's cellphone on the first list, "Your Husband!" And put Shen Wei's number into his cellphone as, "My wife!" The number one contact in his phone. "Here!" As Yunlan gave Shen Wei's cellphone. Shen Wei was surprised what Yunlan wrote to his cellphone. As Yunlan neared his face to the blushing Shen Wei. "Your mine now!" As he wink at him.

     Ever since Yunlan got a hold on Shen Wei's number, he kept on texting him sweet words and promises. In school Yunlan and Shen Wei can't be seperated only if the bell ring they've gone to their respective rooms. But before that Yunlan will stole a kiss on his cheek making Shen Wei red but their sweet moments was seen by Yezun whose angry at Yunlan as they were enemy.

     Even though Shen Wei and Yezun are identical twins his aura is different from the gentle Shen Wei. As one day he called Yunlan to talk at the back of the school without knowledge of his dear Gege.  At first they are talking calmly but as Yezun bad mouth about Yunlan's family a fight we're broke out.
Yunlan's father is a gambler and because of it, there house and almost all property were gone. Yunlan is the only child of Xin CI while hi mother is already dead. Yunlan is now working at a convenient store or a ware house while studying.

     Luckily they were seen by patrolling security guards and they are both been taken to the principal office. As Shen Wei heard it. He hurriedly ran toward the principal office. And talk to the principal, Yezun was excuse but Yunlan was left there still waiting for his father.
"Gege! Let's go now to our class!" Yezun said. "You go on right ahead! I'll be waiting for someone!" He said. As  Yezun grumble and walk away from him, Shen Wei sit on a corner waiting for Yunlan to be released.

     Suddenly Yunlan's father came, as he heard shouting and screaming at the principal office. Suddenly Xin ci burst outside the office pulling Yunlan with him.
Shen Wei suddenly stand up tailing after Yunlan. As Xin ci notice, "Whose this?! Is he your friend?!" Xin ci ask Yunlan. He only nod in return. "Hey! Kid! Scram! Yunlan will  be dropping from this school for now on!" As he pulled Yunlan again.
Shen Wei suddenly tug Yunlan's shirt, stopping them. Yunlan got frighten for his father might hit Shen Wei. As he shake his head to Shen Wei and sign him to leave. But Shen Wei won't let him. As Yunlan's father shoved Shen Wei to the ground. Yunlan tried to help him up. But he was grip by his father at his polo neck and dragged him outside the school. "Shen Wei!" Yunlan shout. That made Xin ci stop. As he looked at the boy he suddenly smirk. "Tell your father I want to talk to him!" As he thrown Yunlan to his car and drove away. "Yunlan!" Shen Wei cried his name.

    That night Mr. Shen and Mr. Zhao had talk in a restaurant about their sons. As Mr. Shen gave a check to Mr. Zhao to make Yunlan break to Shen Wei.


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