A New Beginning

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     It's been years and so, after their devastating break up. Yunlan made up his mind and run away from his father.

     As he finish his highschool and college to another place while being a working student. And established a small business to himself a small restaurant. While his busy working on delivering fried chicken. He notice people tend to throw the plastic they use to nearby place rather than to a trash can, "What if the plastic can be eaten as well and don't need to be thrown  away. People tend to be lazy or tired in throwing their plastic to a trash can. It's a nice idea for it since my business is not getting well this days.

     As he called his friends to meet again if their interest on doing a business like that. Da quing first to came since he doesn't have a job because him and his boss was not in good relationship. Lin Jing on the other hand also lost his job due to economic crisis this days, while the married couple Sang and Wang came as well to give them full support. For Sang is the only one who have work because Wang is pregnant now and Chu who is expert in martial arts is the body guard of an important people but since it's his day off he went to see his friends again.

     As they meet in Yunlan small restaurant they discuss on the topic of the seaweeds that he see on the t.v. "That business is a risky one Yunlan first were we gonna get it! After that were will distribute it?!" Said Chu. As they all nod in union. "And mostly the money! Who will invest on a risky business as this one!" Said Da quing. As all look to Chu, "What?!" Wang suddenly went to Chu side, "Your the body guard of mostly rich persons?! Can you recommend Yunlan idea on them?!" She ask. "I can't promise you that! But I will try?!" He said.  "How about you Sang your a salesman anyone you know will be interest on the concept of Yunlan?" They ask. "Well I would try! But as Chu said I can't promise you anything. "While me and Da quing will find were will find many seaweeds selling, as for you Lin Jing find away how to make a cup, straw or anything made of seaweeds. "Okey! I'll do that?!" As all of them agree. They forgot that the t.v was on, suddenly Shen Wei was on the news a well known business man having two starlets girlfriends. Yunlan was shocked on that forgetting his friends are there he suddenly switch off the t.v. "Hey! I'm watching it!" Said Da quing. Suddenly Wang hit him on the shoulder. "Oops! Sorry!" Said Da quing.

     Minutes pass, as everyone leave only Da quing is left. "Yunlan can I sleep here for a while?" He ask. "Sure why not! Your my best friend Da quing but I only have a small room here?" He was suddenly cut by Da quing don't worry! I can sleep on the table or bench here, since I lost my job I have no money for renting a room. Suddenly Lin Jing also emerge. Making them jump back. "I thought you have gone home as well?" Said Yunlan. "I lost my job as well can I sleep here too for a while?" He ask. As Yunlan rubbed his head, "Why not?!" As all of them laugh.

     While in Shen Wei's world.  His a big rich producer in a show and owns one of largest  showbiz company . As he was resting in his office. Two women burst in to his office followed by his secretary Guo trying to stop the two. "Honey! Whose this woman?! She's claiming she's your fiancee?! I thought I'm the one your getting married too!" She shout. While the other blond shove the brunette. "Shen Wei baby! You told me I'm the one your gonna married not her!" She said. As both scream and argue. Shen Wei suddenly pound his hand. "Ladies! I've already told you I'm not gonna married anyone!" As he turned his back on them. "What?!!!" As both shout. "Guo would you please take them away! And call Chu!"

     As Guo lead the ladies away and called Chu. As Chu bow to him. "So! How's my prey?!" He ask. "Yunlan is still single sir and didn't want to get married to any one. He still working on his small chicken restaurant. And finding an investor for his new project!" He said.

     "New project?!" He ask. "Yes sir the seaweeds project!" Chu said. "Interesting! Don't let anyone get the project as his getting tired and desperate for an investor then tell him you have one! But don't tell him it was me!" I want to see the look in his eyes if he see me! The new Shen Wei! And I will have my revenge on him! Making my Gege cried!" As he laugh. "His screw is loosening again! Sorry! Yunlan! I have no choice! I need this job!" Chu whispered to himself. As he bow and left.

     Shen Wei suddenly took the old picture Yunlan when he was a kid. "Yunlan.... Yunlan.....your nearly in my grasp. I will make sure your begging to be taken by me! If not maybe your friends will be taking the consequence! And you wouldn't  let that happened to your dear friends!" As he toss the picture of Yunlan to the other pictures of him on his drawer. Pictures of Yunlan when he graduated in highschool and college as well the present Yunlan. Suddenly Shen Wei took a yellow pendant intended to give to Yunlan but he never have a chance since he break up with him. He suddenly wear it to himself. And look at the mirror, "See Gege! It's look nice to you than to that Yunlan in person!" As Shen Wei said to himself. Suddenly he started to cry, "Why did Yunlan break up  with me when I need him the most!" When he wipes away his tears. "Yunlan you'll regret what you have done to me!" As he teared Yunlan's pictures. "I'll have you no matter what!" As he crumpled and throw away the pictures!"

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